On August 19, Stevens-Chute Post 4 Commander William Chan and Adjutant Lara Chan attended the National Security Commission joint meeting in Reno, Nevada. Since Post 4 Adjutant Lara Chan is on the National Unconventional Forces and Intelligence committee, she was required to attend the meeting at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center. Both heard presentations from American Red Cross, Selective Service System, National POW/MIA Accounting Agency, and National League of POW/MIA Families. National Commander Charlie Schmidt addressed the attendees towards the end of the meeting. Following the end of the joint meeting, both attended the National Unconventional Forces and Intelligence committee meeting. At that meeting there were 5 resolutions that were being looked at for a vote on the National Convention floor. Additionally, both William and Lara Chan participated in the National Security Commission trip to Naval Air Station (NAS) Fallon on August 18.
National Commander Charlie Schmidt addressing the attendees at the National Security Commission meeting.
Les Brown, National League of POW/MIA Families.
Donald M. Benton, Director, Selective Service System.
American Legion National Commander Charlie Schmidt. Schmidt is the first National Commander to come from Oregon.