Past Department of Wisconsin Adjutant Mike Rohan giving speech on incoming National Commander Denise Rohan.
The election of National officers.
The second nomination for Denise Rohan for 2017-2018 National Commander of The American Legion.
2017-2018 The American Legion National Commander Denise Rohan addressing the attendees.
National Commander Denise Rohan.
Past Department of Wisconsin Adjutant Mike Rohan being inducted into the First Ladies Club. Mike is the first Male to be inducted into the club.
Denise Rohan's Grandson placing the National Commander's cap on her head.
Past National Commander Fang Wong gave Denise Rohan her National Commander installation.
The First Ladies Club.
2017-2018 Department of Oregon Commander Gene Hellickson gave the Department of Oregon's votes for National Commander to Denise Rohan. Commander Hellickson is a past District 5 Commander.
Denise Rohan swearing in as National Commander of The American Legion.
Members of the Department of Wisconsin are walking towards the stage.
2016-2017 National Sgt-At-Arms and Past Department of Oregon Commander Kevin Owens escorts National Commander Elect Denise Rohan to the stage.
National Commander Denise Rohan gives her Husband Mike a hug.
National Sgt-At-Arms and Past Department of Oregon Commander Kevin Owens
Department of Oregon Commander Gene Hellickson awaiting his turn to give Oregon's vote for National Commander.