Preston Moore Elected National Commander 1958-59 from Oklahoma. Preston Moore was from Stillwater, OK pass commander of the Hanner-Sharp American Legion Post 129. Preston Moore National Commander of the American Legion and Governor Frank Clement of Tennessee was honored in ceremonies at Lewis Field by being made honorary chiefs of the Poncas. Doing the honors was Dana Knight, "Chief Big Buffalo," who bestowed Ponca Indiana names meaning "Big Star" on the Tennessee governor and "Big Warrior" on Moore. Over 25,000 watched a parade in Stillwater when Preston Moore was elected National Commander. Preston Moore also gave President Eisenhower a film called "We Who Serve" for the 40th anniversary of the American Legion.



Dana Knight "Chief Big Buffalo" making Honorary Chiefs of Moore and Clement


Wearing Headdress Tennessee Governor Frank Clement and National Commander Preston Moore


President Eisenhower and Commander Preston Moore Presenting Film "We Who Serve" 40th Anniversary of AL


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