Pictured above is Shelby's WWII Memorial, located in Central Park..... Presently there is no monument for our World War I Veterans..... A memorial to Shelby's Merchant Marines that served in WWII is located in the Shelby Flag Park..... Located in the Shelby Flag Park is the Korean Conflict Memorial..... The Shelby Vietnam Memorial is located in Seltzer Park on East side of Seltzer Pool, across from the Girl Scout Little House..... A monument to the Gulf War/War on Terrorism, specifically citing Operation Iraqi Freedom is located on West Main Street in Roush Park along the Black Fork across from the Black Fork Commons..... One of Shelby's largest Veterans Memorials is located in Shelby High School. Named "Veterans Roll Call", it list graduates by year that served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America



Approximatly 1,400 served from the Shelby Area. There were 199 Richland Countians killed in World War II, according to the Ohio Governor's Office of Veterans' Affairs. 29 from Shelby as listed on Shelby's WWII Monument in Central Park.


Shelby Flag Park. approx. 20 W. Main St. & Washington St.


Shelby Merchant Marine Memorial. Dates following names are birth dates. Located in Shelby Flag Park.


Shelby Korean Conflict Monument. Located in Shelby Flag Park


Shelby Vietnam Memorial at Seltzer Pool


Front side of Monument there are seven names of those killed in Vietnam two names on back side


Back side of Shelby Vietnam Memorial


Gulf War / War on Terrorism (Iraqi Freedom) Memorial in Roush Park along Black Fork across from Black Fork Commons


Plaque on base of Gulf War / War on Terrorism (Iraqi Freedom) Memorial along Black Fork across from Black Fork Commons


Veterans Roll Call located in Shelby High School


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