The American Legion, O'Brien Post 326 of Shelby hosted WWII and Occupation Veterans for a Memorial Day Parade, coffee and post parade lunch. The Vets rode in provided Jeeps for the parade celebrating 70 years since the end of World War II. Their faces show the mood!



First row seated:” Armin Oney*, Lee Smith*, Glenn Schroff*, Gene Johnson*, Maurice Bloom*, George Rigg*, Frank Till*, Albert Dunn*. Center row seated: Homer Hall*, William Dodge*, William Meeker, James Sheridan*, Joe Robertson, William “Ted” Fort*. Back row standing: Corliss Cooper, Korean Vet, Dick Cumberworth*, Victor Bigelow, Jim Brown*, Virgil Schroeder, Dean Stroup*, Floyd Rietveld, Clement Young*, Norbert Studer, Korean Vet, and Paul Coleman. * denotes member of O’Brien Post 326


Post 326 member Steve McLaughlin (shown) and Commander Michael Hubbard, were lead organizers of the WWII Veterans recognition parade.


Auxiliary member Sheila Eaton makes up name tags for Vets.



Jeff Fort and Bill Smith chatting with WWII Vets prior to parade.


WWII Vet Ted Fort and wife.


VN Vet Dick Young, WWII Vets Frank Till, Dick Cumberworth, Shelby Mayor Steve Schag and WWII Veteran and Past Commander Dean Stroup.


Post 326 members Jack Presley and August Schreiber stop in to chat with Vets. Both members of the 179th Airlift Wing.


Mayor Steven Schag chats with Vets. Standing are Dennis and Terri Johnson Hummel, daughter of Gene Johnson. Sitting at table are Gene Johnson (Commander 1962-63), Albert Dunn, James "Jim" Brown and Norbert Studer.



Post 326 SAL member Ron Ryland honored his father's service in WWII by driving his tractor in the parade , carrying several Vietnam Vets. Ron's father's WWII jacket hangs behind him of the wagon!




326 Members; Lee Smith, Gene Johnson and Maurice Bloom ride in open Jeep. Gene and Maurice operated "Bloom & Johnson" used car lot across the street from the Legion Post!


WWII Vet Dale Bricker drives his own wagon, just as he does for all parades!


Dean Stroup. Commander 1950-51


Albert Dunn and Frank Till



Homer Hall


Victor Bigelow


Post 326 member James W. Sheridan



William "Bill" Dodge


Two best friends. Dean Stroup chats with Dick Cumberworth.


US Navel Academy Graduate Jeff Fort came to march in his father's parade! Jeff is standing next to William "Ted" Fort. USN, WWII. Post 326, Color Guard member Bill Smith, USN, Korea, in background .


WWII Post 326 members George Rigg and Joe Robertson.


WWII Post Member Glenn Schroff


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