Glenn Filder and Wayne "Bud" Milliron make scholarship presentations for the Legion Outstanding Senior Boy and Girl at Shelby High School, 2014
Past officer Junior Ramey receives his Shelby High School diploma April 28,, 2018. Junior left high school to join the Army in 1969, serving in Germany during the Vietnam era.
2017. Past Commander John Terry shows Congressman Bob Gibbs, the Veteran's Roll Call wall in Shelby High School. These plaques name those who have served in the Armed Forces by graduation class!
Post 326 member and Vietnam Veteran, Gary Seals (SHS Class of 66) on right developed the idea and plan for "Veteran's Roll Call" for Shelby High School graduates. Left is veteran Mike Johnson of the SHS Alumni Association . Together, these two Shelby Veterans produced the massive project.
Veteran's Roll Call. Shelby High School
1979 Flag Raising at Park Village.
Alice King presents a flag for the Shelby Municipal Court to Judge Frank Long. February 1980
May 6, 2023, Post 326 Auxiliary President Lou Huff host the Auxiliary 5th District Summer Conference. Shown is Lou Huff, Mayor Steven Schag and 5th District President Jane Yeager.
2017-2018 Legion Program Ad for the Whippet Booster football/basketball season programs .
Joe Frayley. Clyde Bell. Jack Fogel. Beez Hollenbaugh. Paul Braden, Merlie King, Ed Mackey. TOP ROW ************* BOTTOM ROW . Herb Ovens, Les Ruhl, Leo Gira, Stan Weaver, Russ Dininger, Paul Reece, Jim Jones and John Timson. 1982
Post 326 Namesake. James O'Brien ( a DeVito photograph )
Dick Cumberworth Post 326 Life Member
Dick Cumberworth at a PT Avenger Reunion at Port Clinton Airport, 2014.
2018-2019 Winter Sports Program Ad for Shelby Whippets, for 2019 American Legion Centennial.
Centennial sign for Shelby High School Gym. 2019
Gregory K. Davis. Commander 1975-1977. Greg Davis was instrumental with the building of the new American Legion Post 326 Home. Greg was the second Vietnam Veteran to serve as 326 Commander. He followed the first Vietnam veteran Commander Thomas H. Close, 1971-72 ( From Shelby Daily Globe, Friday, May 13, 1977 )
2015 Scarlet "S" Shelby High School, page 58. Post 326, During the August 2014, Dedication of the Shelby High School "Veteran's Roll Call".
2015 Scarlet "S" Shelby High School, page 83. Post 326, Boys State Chair Wayne "Bud" Milliron with Boys and Girls Staters during the August 2014, Dedication of the Shelby High School "Veteran's Roll Call".
Shelby Veterans present for Shelby High School "Veterans Honor Roll"
THE FIRING CANNON JIM ROBERTS ... At the South East end of the football field before the raising of the flag of each football game, a large “BOOM” is heard every Friday night. The individual behind that 12 gauge blast is Jim Roberts. Roberts has been shooting “Ole Nellie” before each football game ever since the mid sixties when HOWARD HANNAFUS (Commander 1937-38) who originated the attention getter passed away. Jim has only ever missed firing the cannon once in over two hundred ball games and that was in September of 1984, when his wife passed away. It’s not known how old “Old Nellie” is, but she certainly gets peoples attention when she barks. Several have said that they can look right at the gun when they know it is going to fire, and the are still startled. One Shelby fan, stated “I know when that gun is going to shoot, and regardless, I still drop the pipe out of my mouth when it goes off.” From the History of Shelby Football 1894-1985. By Fred Eichinger
Daily Globe, September 9, 1977. Dedication of New Post Home
Daily Globe, September 9, 1077. The MAL COOPER BAND. Set to play at Legion Dedication
Bill Smith, Post 326 member and color guard, speaks to Shelby High School students on Veteran's Day 2015 upon receiving his Shelby High School Diploma.
April 2019, The American Legion, O'Brien Post 326 of Shelby displays the Centennial Banner. Ten banners were hung down Main Street Shelby, Ohio.
American Legion Magazine April 2019
Commander Garry L. Barnett receives A Proclamation from Shelby Mayor Steven Schag proclaming July 3, 2019 American Legion Day in Shelby.
Everette McClain, Garry Barnett, John Terry, Evlyn Betts, Glenn Fidler and Bob Payne represented American Legion Post 326 at the July 1, 2019 City Council Meeting for a proclamation.
1998 Veterans Day: L to R Robert Fireoved, Robert Schull, John Timson, Clyde Bell (back), Tom Stock and Joe Miller.
1955 Auxiliary: Lois Payne, Vernice Hassler, Ellen Crispin, Sedalia Valk, Olga Green, Esther Laser, Madeline Marvin, Abbie Baer, Christine Henson, Bernice Pittenger and Margaret Young.
Shelby Merchant Marine Memorial WWII. Located in Shelby Flag Park. James L. Brown, would have been a member of Shelby High School Class of 1945 when he joined the Merchant Marines. Jim shown on left of Mayor Steve Schag was dedicated to this monument. Erected May 20, 2017. Jim Brown is a PUFL member of American Legion Post 326, which assisted with the costs.
James L. Brown 1945. Recipient of Atlantic War Zone Medal (1945), Mediterranean Middle East War Zone Medal, WWII Victory Medal, Merchant Marine Mariner's Medal, the Merchant Marine Defense Medal and the Merchant Mariners of WWII Congressional Gold Medal.
FLAG DAY 2022. This year The American Legion, O'Brien Post 326 of Shelby is pleased to have been a part of an electrical project in coordination with the Oakland Cemetery Association. The Legion's part consisted of donation of monies for a power outlet at the Memorial Day platform and lighting for the Oakland Cemetery Flag, honoring those Veterans that did not survive their battles in our past wars and those veterans of our Last Roll Calls buried in Oakland and Most Pure Heart of Mary. Please look over the hill as you drive down Gamble Street past Oakland Cemetery in Shelby during dusk to see our great flag flying.
New 70' Flagpole for the new Shelby High School Athletic Complex was set June 23, 2022, Dedicated to the Commjunity by The American Legion O'Brien Post 326 of Shelby.
Dedication stone for The American Legion, O'Brien Post 326, was set on 8/30/22 with the new 70' US Flagpole, dedicated by the Legion Post.
2023 Fall and Winter Sports Program Ad
August 2023, Dedication Plaques in Whippet Athletic Plaza. For Legion's donation of 70' US Flag Pole for the WAC.
MAY 20, 2024 O’Brien Post 326, of Shelby was honored to play a roll in the City of Shelby becoming part of “The Purple Heart Trail” Ceremony, Monday, May 20th. Several Post members attended with representatives of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the mayor, city council, Boy Scout Troop 406, our Legion Color Guard, several Post 326 Buckeye Boys Staters and one of Post 326 Purple Heart recipients. The Legion would be interested to know of all local living Purple Heart Recipients
MAY 20, 2024 O’Brien Post 326, of Shelby was honored to play a roll in the City of Shelby becoming part of “The Purple Heart Trail” Ceremony, Monday, May 20th. Several Post members attended with representatives of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the mayor, city council, Boy Scout Troop 406, our Legion Color Guard, several Post 326 Buckeye Boys Staters and one of Post 326 Purple Heart recipients. The Legion would be interested to know of all local living Purple Heart Recipients
MAY 20, 2024 O’Brien Post 326, of Shelby was honored to play a roll in the City of Shelby becoming part of “The Purple Heart Trail” Ceremony, Monday, May 20th. Several Post members attended with representatives of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the mayor, city council, Boy Scout Troop 406, our Legion Color Guard, several Post 326 Buckeye Boys Staters and one of Post 326 Purple Heart recipients. The Legion would be interested to know of all local living Purple Heart Recipients
Legionnaire and Purple Heart Recipient John VanWagner was honored. MAY 20, 2024 O’Brien Post 326, of Shelby was honored to play a roll in the City of Shelby becoming part of “The Purple Heart Trail” Ceremony, Monday, May 20th. Several Post members attended with representatives of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the mayor, city council, Boy Scout Troop 406, our Legion Color Guard, several Post 326 Buckeye Boys Staters and one of Post 326 Purple Heart recipients. The Legion would be interested to know of all local living Purple Heart Recipients
October 6, 2024 Alumni weekend. Class of 1967 Veterans; Legionnaire Roger Ritchie, Jerry Kieser, Legionnaire Garry Boice, Tom Guerin, Phillip Hobbs and Legionnaire John Terry. Ridenour Photography
Installation of Officers June 14, 1993
In the kitchen with Wayne "Bud" Milliron and blank. Veterans Day November 11, 2004
Commander Clyde Bell. Veterans Day November 11, 2004
Hellen Milliron. Veterans Day November 11, 2004
Veterans Day November 11, 2004
Veterans Day November 11, 2004