Richard Shuler (US Army - Vietnam), Fiscal Officer, American Legion O'Brien Post 326 presented a $1,000.00 check to the Shelby Police Department for body cameras. Also pictured is John Terry (US Army - Vietnam) Post Commander, Chief Lance Combs (US Army), Officer John Magers (United State Marine Corps), and Officer Keith Swisher (US Navy). The O'Brien Post has a long history of community support and the Shelby Police Department is grateful for their generous contribution. November 22, 2016
Post 326 members; bottom row; Gary Seals, Lee Stober, Bill Smith, Frank Newland (SAL), Dick Sweet. Back row; John Terry, Jim Artz, Bob Payne and Mic Hubbard. Veteran's Day Program for Shelby High School, November 2017.
Post 326 member Cortland Hepner, USAF, Korea. Cort has been active in the Shelby community for many years. Shown at Shelby High School awards ceremony for presentation of the Shelby High School Class of 1946 scholarship program.
American Legion, O'Brien Post 326 of Shelby, Trustee Jim Fidler hands a $1,000.00 check to Shelby Fire Chief Mike Thompson and Firefighter Bob Hildebrand,. Thompson said they are very thankful for the donation an it will go toward the purchase of a back up Medic Box that will ultimately go into an ambulance.
Edward Schumacher, James McCormick, Robert Payne and Jim Artz. Four veteran members of Post 326 serve on the Richland County Joint Burial Squad. These men cover Richland County Ohio and preform the duties for over 400 + burials of our veterans each year. 2016 Photo
2015 Post Christmas Party. SAL Frank Newland and wife Auxiliary Jan Newland read to the kids. Both are also 326 Legion Riders. Elf Sara Stacklin Youth Auxiliary.
Gregory K. Davis. Commander 1975-1977
COLUMBUS, OHIO — The Ohio High School Athletic Association encourages Ohio high schools to take part in a statewide military appreciation night on January 20, honoring active and veteran United States Armed Forces members at athletic contests. Post 326 members Michael J. Metzger, Robert Payne and Jim Artz handle the duties for Veterans' Appreciation. Girls Basketball, January 2019. Veterans came down onto the floor to be honored by both teams!
PROJECT HEALING WATERS - - - Post 326 members Robert Payne USN (right) and Ron Thompson USMC (left) present a $500.00 donation to Kevin Ramsey the Ohio Regional Coordinator of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing during a trip to Castalia, Ohio.. Ron is active and teaches fly fishing. Nearly 60 disabled veterans attended, many in wheel chairs, fishing for the first time! !https://projecthealingwaters.org/tag/cleveland/
BOY SCOUT TROOP 406 OF SHELBY detailed the Word War II, M5 3 inch Anti-Tank Guns in Central Park Saturday morning May 11, 2019, at the request of The American Legion in part for the Legion Centennial. The Scouts worked meticulously for nearly four hours and each young man receives credits for his community service. Troop 406 is sponsored by First Lutheran Church of Shelby.
Everette McClain, Garry Barnett, John Terry, Evlyn Betts, Glenn Fidler and Bob Payne represented American Legion Post 326 at the July 1, 2019 City Council Meeting for a proclamation declaring July 3, 2019, American Legion Day.
2019 Scarlet S Yearbook. Page 82. Buckeye Boys and Girls State spread celebrating 100 years of The American Legion.
August 12, 2020 Rylie White of Shelby was a 2020 recipient of The American Legion, Department of Ohio Americanism High School Scholarship. Rylie is the granddaughter of Legionnaire Lewis Shorter and Auxiliary member Linda Shorter of O'Brien Post 326. Presenting a certificate from the Post are John Terry and Glenn Fidler. Rylie is attending the University of Cincinnati.
December 29, 2021 Carson Ingram a Shelby High School Graduate was a 2021 recipient of the Ohio Americanism High School Scholarship presented by The American Legion Department of Ohio. Carson is the grandson of Legionnaire Stanley (Darlene) Ingram. Stan is a 49 year member of O'Brien Post 326 and a Vietnam Veteran. Presenting a certificate from the Post is John Terry. Cason is attending Hillsdale College. Hillside, MI.
October 6, 2024 Shelby High School Alumni Weekend, Memorial Service wreath placing honoring Shelby Highs School's past Veterans and graduates by decade.