Our Post History goes way back into the History of Greenville and Darke County, Ohio. To give you a look back in time we have listed some of the events here as they appeared in the newspapers and Offical Military Roster's of the time. These papers are The Richmond Palladuim / Sun Telegram and The Greenville Journal and the Ohio Soldiers Roster in WWI.
Post 140 is named after Erk M. Cottrell, so who was Erk M. Cottell. Well, he was born in North Star, Darke Co., OH on March 24th 1892. He later lived at 232 East 4th St. in Greenville, OH and enlisted in the U.S. Army on Aug. 15th 1917. He was stationed at Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indiana in the 329th Infantry Division and also at Camp Sherman in Ohio. On June 12th 1918 he was shipped over to France as part of the Allied Expeditionary Force. He later served in the 126th Infantry during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. He was Killed-in-Action at Romagne, France. He was then buried at Cemetery C-280 in France. The government then notified his father James A. Cottrell and his mother Mary in Greenville, OH of the lost of their son. Now let us look back at the stories that people read in the newspapers then. Visit our Post Web Site and read the full history of the American Legion Erk Cottrell Post 140 in Greenville, Ohio.