After opening the post meeting 1st Vice Commander/Adjutant Gabriel Carr read the minutes from last month meeting to the members. Seated L to R : Chaplain Willie Pulley and Post Commander James Langston.
Legionnaire Henry Horne, Ernest Adams, Sergeant-at-Arms, Gabriel Carr, 1st Vice Commander/Adjutant.
Michael Parrott Finance Office, Gabriel Carr 1st Vice Commander/Adjutant, Post Commander James Langston and Charles Whitaker 2nd Vice Commander preparing for the meeting.
Judge Advocate Michael Shaw talking to the members. L to R: Legionnaire Howard Upperman, Legionnaire Lloyd Dunn, Ms. Ashante Ramirez, Legionnaire Elree Smith and Devell “Bo” Durham Past Division III Commander and current Internal Affairs Committee Chairman.
Legionnaire Elree Smith, Past Finance Officer updating the members on veterans affairs. Seated: Devell “Bo” Durham Past Division III Commander and current Internal Affairs Committee Chairman and Chaplain Willie Pulley.
Mrs Geneva Langston, Post 157 Auxiliary Unit Vice President.
During the Invitation Ceremony. Post Commander James Langston read Legionnaire Michael Shaw his obligation (ie: “raise your right hand and repeat after me.)“Are you now ready and willing to obligate yourself as expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution of The American Legion?”
Legionnaire Michael Shaw stated “I am ready and willing to obligate myself as expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution of The American Legion”.
Post Commander James Langston pinning The American Legion lapel pin on Legionnaire Michael Shaw.
Post Commander James Langston welcome Legionnaire Michael Shaw to Charles T. Norwood American Legion Post 157. All post members present also welcome Legionnaire Michael Shaw as a member of Charles T. Norwood American Legion Post 157.
Legionnaire Howard Upperman, Legionnaire Henry Horne, Mrs Geneva Langston, Post 157 Auxiliary Unit Vice President, Legionnaire Lloyd Dunn, Judge Advocate Michael Shaw, Ms. Ashante Ramirez, Legionnaire Elree Smith and Sergeant-at-Arms Ernest Adams.
Devell “Bo” Durham, the Past Division III Commander, and the current Internal Affairs Committee Chairman speaks to the members of the post.
The Installing Officer Devell “Bo” Durham, the Past Division III Commander honored the Post by swearing in the newly elected and reelected officers.
He took control of the meeting and informed the Sergeant-at-arms to bring forward newly elected officers to be installed or reinstalled. He read the oath of office to the newly elected officers as they took the pledge to perform faithfully and impartially the duties of the office in The American Legion that they assume.
Officers sworn in: Post Commander James Langston, Gabriel Carr 1st Vice Commander/Adjutant, Charles Whitaker, 2nd Vice Commander, James Whitaker Historian, Michael Shaw Judge Advocate, Willie Pulley Chaplain, Michael Parrott Finance Officer, Ernest Adams, Sergeant-at-Arms.
Installing Officer Devell “Bo” Durham informs the Post Commander that you are entrusted with very important duties. "Loyalty to your post - to its membership - to the state and national organizations are obligations which you now assume.” I congratulate you and I wish you well as you assume the responsibilities of your office.
Installing Officer Devell “Bo” Durham requested that the Post Chaplain Willie Pulley offer a prayer of guidance and success of the newly installed officers.
All Post official business has been conducted, Post Commander James Langston called to close the meeting. Closing prayer giving by Post Chaplain Willie Pulley.
Sergeant-at-Arms Ernest Adams steps forwards, picked up the POW-MIA flag off the chair, folds the flags, steps back and places the POW-MIA flag on the table in front of the commander. The commander gave the command to salute. Everyone came to attention and rendered a hand salute. Post Commander says “Two" and then declares the meeting adjourned with one tap of the gavel.
1st Vice Commander/Adjutant Gabriel Carr, Post Commander James Langston, Devell “Bo” Durham, Past Division III Commander and current Internal Affairs Committee Chairman and 2nd Vice Commander Charles Whitaker.
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