On February 15th 2025, during our monthly meeting the Post Commander James Langston conducted an Invitation Ceremony. Initiation of new members is an important post function. They need to be shown, officially and formally, that they're indeed a part of The American Legion. They deserve the courtesy of being introduced to the post that has accepted their membership applications and dues payments. The Sergeant-at-Arms escorted the new member into the meeting room and placed him properly before the flag and read his name. Mr. Henry Edmonds The Post Commander stated “You were privileged to serve your country during wartime. Because of this service, you are today privileged to join the great service organization, The American Legion. “Unlike the armed forces in which you served, there is no distinction of rank among us. We are composed of members of every race, religion, occupation, and political conviction. We maintain also strict neutrality on all questions concerning religion, politics, and industrial strife. “Are you now ready and willing to obligate yourself as expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution of The American Legion?” Mr. Henry Edmonds stated “I am” Post Commander read him his obligation (ie: “raise your right hand and repeat after me.”) at the conclusion of the obligation the Chaplain Willie Pulley read "There shines the emblem of The American Legion." Post Commander James Langston welcome Legionnaire Henry Edmonds to The American Legion. All post members present also welcome Legionnaire Henry Edmonds as a member of Charles T. Norwood Post 157.



Post Commander James Langston and Chaplain Willie Pulley prepare for the post monthly meeting.


Post Commander James Langston, Chaplain Willie Pulley and 2nd Vice Commander Charles Whitaker prepare for the post monthly meeting.


Post members attaining the meeting. Front row L to R: Mr. Henry Edmonds, Legionnaire Tagore Jenkins. Back row L to R: Legionnaire Lloyd Dunn, Parliamentarian Michael Shawn and Legionnaire Elree Smith.


Finance Officer Michael Parrott gives the financial report as Mr. Henry Edmonds and Legionnaire Lloyd Dunn looks on.


Sergeant-at-Arms Ernest Adams secured the meeting room.


Legionnaire Elree Smith gave an update about the Veterans benefits.


Sergeant-at-Arms Ernest Adams escorted the new member Mr. Henry Edmonds in the meeting room and placed him properly before the flag.


Invitation Ceremony for Mr Henry Edmonds


Initiation of new members is an important post function. They need to be shown, officially and formally, that they're indeed a part of The American Legion. They deserve the courtesy of being introduced to the post that has accepted their membership applications and dues payments.


The Post Commander stated “You were privileged to serve your country during wartime. Because of this service, you are today privileged to join the great service organization, The American Legion.


Post Commander read him his obligation (ie: “raise your right hand and repeat after me.”) at the conclusion of the obligation the Chaplain Willie Pulley read "There shines the emblem of The American Legion."


Post Commander asked “Are you now ready and willing to obligate yourself as expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution of The American Legion?”


Mr. Henry Edmonds stated “I am ready and willing to obligate myself as expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution of The American Legion”.


At the conclusion of the obligation Chaplain Willie Pulley read "There shines the emblem of The American Legion."


Invitation Ceremony for Legionnaire Henry Edmonds


Post Commander James Langston pinned a small U.S. flag and an American Legion lapel pin on Legionnaire Henry Edmonds


Post Commander James Langston presented Legionnaire Henry Edmonds with the Legion Certificate of Initiation.


Post Commander James Langston welcome Legionnaire Henry Edmonds to The American Legion Post 157 and presented him with a copy of The American Legion magazine.


Legionnaire Tagore Jenkins welcome Legionnaire Henry Edmonds as a member of Post 157.


Legionnaire Michael Parrott welcome Legionnaire Henry Edmonds as a member of Post 157.


Legionnaire Charles Whitaker, welcome Legionnaire Henry Edmonds as a member of Post 157.


Welcome Legionnaire Henry Edmonds to Charles T. Norwood Post 157.


Legionnaire Henry Edmonds


Chaplain Willie Pulley gave the closing prayer to end the Ceremony.


Chaplain Willie Pulley gave the closing prayer to end the Ceremony.


Chaplain Willie Pulley gave the closing prayer to end the Ceremony.


The Sergeant-at-arms Ernest Adam refolding the POW/MIA flag to store it for future use.



The Sergeant-at-arms Ernest Adam salute the Post Commander after refolding the POW/MIA flag to store it for future use.


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