On December 16, 2023, we held a luncheon as we celebrated Founder’s Day the 99th Anniversary of the Charles T. Norwood American Legion Post 157. The Post was chartered December 19, 1924, five years after the National American Legion received its Congressional Charter. The Post was named to honor Pvt. Charles T. Norwood who served with Company H, 365th Infantry Regiment, 92nd Infantry Division. Pvt. Norwood was wounded on November 11, 1918 just hours before the Armistice to end World War I was set to begin. Pvt. Norwood died from his wounds and Lobar Pneumonia on January 17, 1919 making him the first Black soldier to be killed from Raleigh, North Carolina during World War I. Pvt. Charles T. Norwood was buried in the Raleigh National Cemetery on August 1,1921. Legionnaire Gabriel Carr, 1st Vice Commander/ Adjutant hosted the event. Honored guest, The Ladies Auxiliary Unit, family members and friends all attended the celebration. Legionnaire Devone Young sang two beautiful songs. During the member recognition of the program the Post Commander James Langston conducted an Invitation Ceremony. Initiation of new members is an important post function. They need to be shown, officially and formally, that they're indeed a part of The American Legion. They deserve the courtesy of being introduced to the post that has accepted their membership applications and dues payments. The Sergeant-at-Arms escorted the new member into the meeting room and placed him properly before the flag and read his name Mr. Greg Bethea Post Commander read him his obligation (ie: “raise your right hand and repeat after me.”) at the conclusion of the obligation the Chaplain Willie Pulley read "There shines the emblem of The American Legion." Post Commander James Langston welcome Legionnaire Greg Bethea to The American Legion. All post members present also welcome Legionnaire Greg Bethea as a member of Charles T. Norwood Post 157. In conjunction with the Founder’s Day Celebration the post conducted fundraisers a silent auction of a few items for purchase and selling raffle tickets. The event ended with the drawing of 3 tickets and the 1 of the 3 winners were present. The first prize winner $500.00 was Mrs Geneva Langston was present, 2nd prize winner of $250.00 was Ms. Roz Hirshfield and the 3rd prize winner of $100.00 was Ms. Cori McDermott were presented with their winning check at their home. The proceeds from the raffle will be used to support the post youth activities programs and the post general fund which provides the funding for a wide range of post activities.



1st Vice Commander/Adjutant Gabriel Carr, Post Commander James Langston and 2nd Vice Commander Charles Whitaker preparing for today event.


A luncheon was held to celebrated Founder’s Day the 99th Anniversary of the Charles T. Norwood American Legion Post 157. The Ladies Auxiliary Unit, family members and friends all attended the celebration.


Finance Officer Michael Parrott with guest Mr. Joe and Mrs. Lillian Spence.


Post Commander James Langston and Chaplain Willie Pulley.


A luncheon was held to celebrated Founder’s Day the 99th Anniversary of the Charles T. Norwood American Legion Post 157. Family members and friends all attended the celebration.


Legionnaire Howard Upperman and Mrs. Shirley Upperman attended the celebration.


Legionnaire Devone Young sang two beautiful songs.


A luncheon was held to celebrated Founder’s Day the 99th Anniversary of the Charles T. Norwood American Legion Post 157.


Legionnaire Henry Horne


Judge Advocate Michael Shaw


Ladies Auxiliary Unit member Mrs. Clara Smith.


Legionnaire Henry Horne and Past Post Commander Donald Moses posting the colors.


Rendering a hand salute after posting of the colors.


Words from the Post Commander James Langston.


Historian James Whitaker reading the history of the Post.


Post Commander James Langston conducted an Invitation Ceremony. Initiation of new members is an important post function.


Post Commander read him his obligation (ie: “raise your right hand and repeat after me.”)


At the conclusion of the obligation the Chaplain Willie Pulley read "There shines the emblem of The American Legion."


Legionnaire Greg Bethea


1st Vice Commander/Adjutant Gabriel Carr and Legionnaire Devone Young.


Legionnaire Devone Young and her daughter Jordan.


Service Officer Donald Debnam and Legionnaire Henry Horne.


Post Commander James Langston and Ms. Jordan picking the first place prizes during raffle drawing


The first prize winner of $500.00 was Mrs Geneva Langston was present.


Ms. Jordan picked the 2nd and 3rd place winners with Post Commander James Langston as Finance Officer Michael Parrott read the names of the winners.


The 2nd prize winner of $250.00 was Ms. Roz Hirshfield. Historian James Whitaker presented her the winning check at her home.


The 3rd prize winner of $100.00 was Ms. Cori McDermott. Historian James Whitaker presented her the winning check at her home.


Legionnaire Gabriel Carr, Legionnaire Patricia Harris and Legionnaire Devone Young


Winners of the one of the items in the silent auction Mrs Geneva Langston and Legionnaire Henry Horne presented by Post Commander James Langston.


Winners of the one of the items in the silent auction Ms. Shirley presented by Post Commander James Langston.


1st Vice Commander/Adjutant Gabriel Carr and Legionnaire Greg Bethea.


A luncheon was held to celebrated Founder’s Day the 99th Anniversary of the Charles T. Norwood American Legion Post 157. The Ladies Auxiliary Unit, family members and friends all attended the celebration.


Post Commander James Langston places a pin on our newest member Legionnaire Greg Bethea.


Legionnaire Henry Horne welcomes our newest member Legionnaire Greg Bethea


Founder’s Day the 99th Anniversary. L to R: Legionnaire Henry Horne, Legionnaire Gabriel Carr, Legionnaire Elree Smith, Legionnaire James Whitaker, Legionnaire Greg Bethea, Legionnaire Patricia Harris, Legionnaire Devone Young, Legionnaire Charles Whitaker, Legionnaire James Langston, Legionnaire Willie Pulley, Legionnaire Donald Debnam, Legionnaire Michael Shaw, Legionnaire Howard Upperman, Legionnaire Donald Moses and Legionnaire Michael Parrott.


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