The Mission of the Ronald McDonald House is to build with love, the Ronald McDonald House of Durham and Wake County offers a comforting “home-away-from-home” and a community of support for seriously ill children and the families.
The Post participates in the Pop Tab Collection program. The tabs we turned in (15/20 lbs) helps support the Ronald McDonald House of Durham/Chapel Hill in North Carolina by collecting the little tabs you pull to open soda, soup or other aluminum cans.
The funds generated from recycling these aluminum gems help offset the House’s expenses. Collecting pop tabs is a great program that benefits the Ronald McDonald House families and is easy to organize.
L to R: Legionnaire Gabriel Carr Post Adjutant and Ronald McDonald (seated). Legionnaire James Whitaker Historian and Post Commander Donald Moses (standing).
Supporting Ronald McDonald House
The Post participates in the Pop Tab Collection program.