On December 21, 2019, we held a luncheon as we celebrated Founder’s Day the 95thAnniversary of the Charles T. Norwood American Legion Post 157. The Post was chartered December 19, 1924, five years after the National American Legion received its Congressional Charter. The Post was named to honor Pvt. Charles T. Norwood who served with Company H, 365th Infantry Regiment, 92nd Infantry Division. Pvt. Norwood was wounded on November 11, 1918 just hours before the Armistice to end World War I was set to begin. Pvt. Norwood died from his wounds and Lobar Pneumonia on January 17, 1919 making him the first Black solider to be killed from Raleigh, North Carolina during World War I.  Pvt. Charles T. Norwood was buried in the Raleigh National Cemetery on August 21,1921. 


     Legionnaire Carr, Gabriel Post Adjutant hosted the event and Patricia Harris, Alternate National Executive Committeeman was the guest speaker. The ladies Auxiliary and some family members all attended the celebration. Legionnaire Devone Young sang two beautiful songs. During the member recognition of the program Legionnaire Donald Debnam was presented with the Certificate of Appreciation and Legionnaire James Whitaker was presented with the Paid-Up-For-Life Certificate. The post received the 100% Post Renewal Retention streamer for 2019, and the Cardinal Award Membership Year 2020.  


     In conjunction with the Founder’s Day celebration the post conducted a fundraiser of selling raffle tickets. The event ended with the drawing of 3 tickets and the 2 of the 3 winners were present. The proceeds from the raffle will be used to support the post youth activities programs and the post general fund which provides the funding for a wide range of post activities.

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