On July 20, 2019, the post meeting was called to order, and the order of business was conducted to include a ceremony for the Installation of Post Officers. Post Commander Donald Moses introduced the Installing Officer Patricia Harris, Alternate National Executive Committeeman, Post 124 (Apex) First Vice Commander and former Post 157 Post Commander.
The Installing Officer then took control of the meeting informed the Sergeant-at-arms to bring forward elected officers to be reinstalled. She read the oath of office to the newly reelected officers as they took the pledge to perform faithfully and impartially the duties of the office in The American Legion that they assume. Installing Officer thanked and congratulated the reelected Post Commander Donald Moses and the reelected Post Officers. She turned the meeting over to the Post Commander. The Sergeant-at-Arms escorted each officer-elect to their respective station. Post Commander Moses continued with the order of business for the day.
Newly reelected officers:
Post Commander: Donald Moses
Adjutant: Donald Debnam (not pictured)
1st Vice Commander: Howard Upperman
2nd Vice Commander: James Langston
Finance Officer: Elree Smith
Service Officer: Willie Morgan
Chaplain: Willie Pulley
Sergeant-at-Arms: Ernest Adams
Historian: James Whitaker
Judge Advocate: Charles Whitaker (not pictured)