The post’s Boys State Program was reinstated a few years ago by Legionnaire Joseph Holt after many years of inactivity.

At the annual post observance of Veterans Day on November 11, 2010, Retired Lt. Colonel and Legionnaire Joseph-H. Holt, Jr. emceed the program. In his remarks, Legionnaire Holt highlighted the Service Focus of the post. Included in this is the organization's efforts to insure that veterans and veteran families receive the services, benefits and respect they .earned by serving their country. Legionnaire Holt said that the post also reaches out to the community; one· example being its sponsorship offering high school seniors to attend the North Carolina Boys State.

In 2010, the Charles T, Norwood Post sponsored six young men to attend Boys State, conducted the State Department of the American Legion. They were Tyler S. Daye, Zachary K. Ellerby, Stephen J. Holder, Conrad P. James, Paul Vandergrift and Trajaun N. Warren. It was pointed out by Legionnaire Holt that their participation was exemplary and some were elected to judicial and executive offices. Certificates of Recognition were presented to the Boys State attendees.

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