The legion color guard front. row left to right. Zac Coe, Kelly House, John Moran, Mike Venezia. Second row Commander Ken Robarge, Eon Poland , Dave West, Dave Fisher (can’t see) third roe Past Commander Jim Jones. Carlee Casselman is carrying the Legion Banner
Rein actors representing H Co. 147th New York Volunteer infantry. This unit drew its ranks from Constantia, West Monroe,parish and Amboy areas
Central Square Fire dept
Master Sergeant Kelly House reading the MIA/POW remembrance
POW/MIA table and empty chair
Father Chris from Devine Mercy
L to r. Ave West, Paul Menjik, Past Commander Donald Dence, Jim Peterson
Pastor Sam Moore Caughdenoy Methodist Church
Village of Central Square Mayor, Ken Sherman
Town of Hastings supervisor, Tony Bush
Commander Ken Robarge
Auxiliary President Katie Coe placing wealth on the memorial
Ladies of the Auxiliary
Reverend Mike Theiser
Commander Ken Robarge
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