1919 – About twenty of the service men of Carroll met at the I.O.O.F Hall Friday evening Oct. 31st to make plans for a local post of the American Legion which will be known as Samuel Derby Post. Edmund Robinson was elected to chairman and Rowan Cass, secretary. The principal work of the evening was to arrange to support the local Red Cross in the Red Cross drive and the following committee was appointed to represent the Post, Robert Johnson, Victor Swanson and Edwin Suckow. meeting will be held at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Friday evening, Nov. 7th to elect officers, arrange for the ARMISTICE DAY celebration and to hear the report of the Red Cross Committee.

*** NOV. 7th, 1919 – at second meeting of newly organized Post, the following officers were elected: Commander – Edmund Robinson; Adjutant-Rollin Cass; Quartermaster- Marion Clark. 

At this meeting Mr. & Mrs. Silas Derby were also elected as honorary members of the Post. Mr. Levi Amidon was also invited to become an honorary member of the local Post in appreciatuon of his work during the war and his support of the service men.

*** DEC. 5th , 1919 – Chas. Brooks and commander Robinson are to act as a committee to prepare by-laws for the Post.

*** DEC. 12th ,1919 – About 25 members were present at this meeting. The by-laws prepared by Commander Robinson and Comrade Brooks were read and accepted. Mr. Amidon gave the Post a pool table which is in the rooms. It was voted to have a Christmas banquet in honor of the service men who will be home for the holidays. It was decided to make it a committee affair. The following committes was appointed to arrange for the banquet, Dec. 27th, 1919: Mr Len Amidon, Mr Edwin Suckow; program committee, Rob Durano, Rollin Cass.

*** DEC. 26th 1919 - The elves voted that the following citizens be elected as honorary members of the local Post in appreciation of their support of the country during the war:Loye Dorano,R.W.Sternberg,J.G.Walker,ErwinWhite


1920: The boys decided to attend memorial services at the M.E. Church next Sunday in uniform, (minuets of Feb. 20, 1920). It was voted that a committee be appointed to secure a picture of Comrade Samuel Derby, the only soldier from Carroll to loose his life in the World War and for whom the Post is named. (minuets of Feb. 20, 1920) It was voted that the Post accept the offer of Cammander R.F.Cass to supply pictures to accentuate the rooms. 2/20/20


MARCH 5, 1920 - The Finance committee reported that a 

Shadow Social which they had given on Sat. evening Feb. 28th

had netted a profit of $72.59. A rising vote of appreciation was extended to the members of the Finance Committee by the other members of the Post. It was voted to offer the use of the Post's rooms to the members of G.A.R. for any occasion when they may care to use them, also that a committee be appointed to co-operate with the G.A.R. and to endeavor, in every possible way, to show the affection and respect of the members of the Legion for the GRAND ARMY men..... Commanded Clark spoke regarding government insurance and urged the members to keep their insurance. Following the business meeting, the members of the Finance Committee served lunch and smokes and a very pleasant social time was enjoyed by all present.


APRIL 2, 1920 - Swanson made a motion to buy two dishpans and one pail. Motion made and carried to lay a letter from Albany Post on the table. Letter concerning Prohibition Bill. Motion made and seconded to have warm sugar & other refreshments at next meeting. Passed.


APPRIL 16 1920 – Following the reading of the minuets of the last meeting the following bills were presented and ordered paid:

Ben Bjork – 8 pts of milk $ .85

H.O.Moore $1.85

Flickenger Stores $4.21

There was some discussion regarding the formation of an Auxiliary and it was voted to have a Social evening, Friday,

April 23rd and to invite ladies with the view of starting a ladies Auxiliary. It was voted by the members that the Post secure additional rooms providing the cost was not too high. The Post voted to take over decorating the G.A.R. Graves if the G.A.R. Wish it.


MAY 21, 1920 – Commander Robinson called the meeting to order and after the reading of the minuets of the last meeting a communication was read regarding the adjusted compensation bills. The members voted to send a telegram to Congressman Reed favoring passage of the bills. Major A.B.Peterson, Commander of the Ira Lou Spring Post of Jamestown is expected to be at our next meeting (June 4th) and it was voted to have another social meeting at that time.


JUNE 4, 1920 – This meeting was in the form of a social affair to which the ladies were invited. Ice Cream and Cake were served by Commanders Johnson and Engbloom. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed. A committee was appointed to entertain members of the Ira Lou Spring Post who will be in the village Wednesday evening. Comrade Clark Ely of the G.A.R. Was present and started a fund to buy a flag for the Post by giving the Post one dollar. The members voted to authorized Vice Commander Brooks to purchase a flag for the Post.


JUNE 18, 1920 – The meeting was called to order by Commander Robinson after which Comrade Swanson read a prayer.... Comrade Black was reported ill...Officers for the next term were elected as follows: Commander - Edmund Robinson, Vice Commander - Chas. Brooks, Adjutant – James Wiltsie, Treasures – Chas. Austin, Chaplin – Victor Swanson, Staff: Rollin Cass, Erwin White and Harry Johnson, Representative – Frank Engbloom.


JULY 2, 1920 – Mr. Childs and Mr. Davis were taken into the Post. A letter regrading State and National dues was read. 

Vice Commander Brooks reported that the flag he had been instructed to buy had been sent for.

JULY 16, 1920 – It was voted that the Treasurer be authorized to pay all bills from the Street Dance. An automobile trip was planned for July 25th.


OCTOBER 22, 1920 – Special Meeting A communication from State headquarters regarding the per capita tax was read. Motion made and carried that an order be drawn on the Treasury for $6.00 to cover above tax. It was decided that each member be asked to pay $.50 to pay for the bound volume of “Stars and Stripes”. Any money left over to be put in the Treasury.


NOVEMBER 5th 1920 – Committer for Legion Dance reposted that CHASE'S orchestra had been secured and that the I.O.O.F. Hall had been secured for Friday, Nov. 12th. The memorial services for men killed in the World War will be held Sunday, Nov. 14th at the Baptist Church.


NOVEMBER 25, 1920 – A communication was read from the National Bonus Committee. Quuartermaster Austin gave his report which showed that great care had been given to his duties. The election of officers followed, the following being chosen for the next term: Commander – Chas. Brooks, Vice Commander – Edwin Suckow, Quartermaster – Chas. Austin, Adjutant – Rollin Cass, Staff – Levi Amidon, Leo Suckow & Harry Johnson.


1921: JULY 1st Received and answered a letter from Colonel C.W. Winkersham, Chairman of Investigating Committee of the American Legion, concerning hospital at Saranac Lake erected for soldiers suffering from tuberculosis. Motion made and carried that our Adjutant send out cards and try to gather in the 'last of flock' for next meeting. Elected to office for the new term: Cmmander – Edwin Succkow, Vice Commander – Frank Engbloom, Quartermaster – Leo Suckow, Adjutant – Walter Black.


JULY 15, 1921 – Committee elected for town picnic. Entertainment by Mr. Bailey who showed pictures from hunting camp in northern Canada. 25 members and guests in attendance.


AUGUST 19, 1921 – Profit on dance $28.00. Motion carried tha bouguet be sent to Mr Shures. Janitor paid $3. Also received word that Samuel Derby's body would be in port August 26, 1921. Talked of momument for him.


SEPT, 5th 1921 – Special meeting held to arrange for funeral of Samuel Derby. Arrenged music frim Jamestown. Elected bearers, firing squad and body guards. Also voter that each member donate one dollar for expenses. BEARERS: Harry Johnson, Rollin Cass, Dr. McCulla. Cliff Pangborn, Cliff Bennett and Glen Robinson. FIRING SQUAD: Marion Clark, Leo Suckow, James Wiltsie, Theo Moore, Alec Ecklund and Walter Black. BODY GUARDS: James Wiltsie and Leo Suckow.


NOV. 4, 1921 – Election of Officers: Commander Frank Engbloom, Vice Commamder – James Wilstie. Expenses for funeral music made. Also electric light bill $3.35.




JANUARY 12 – It was decided that last years flower committee, Ralph Little and Henry Kyle, should act in the coming years.


A penny should be taken after each meeting, the proceeds going to the flower fund. The matter of a play was taken up and it was decided that Rollin Cass and Ed Suckow should confer with the Auxiliary and decide what characters to take part. Motion made by Ed Suckow and seconded by Rollin Cass to accept two dollars from old and new members regardless of the amount in arrears – Motion Carried.


JANUARY 19,1923 – Committe in charge of the play reported that Mrs. Mackey would supervise it. Motion made by Rollin Cass that the staff be authorized to investigate the matter of getting goods insured. Motion carried. Suggestion was made to send a note of thanks to E.F.White for donation of coal also Norma Bole for the shell she donated. After the business meeting a program was enjoyed by Rev. Stanton giving a very interesting and forceful talk. Chas. Brooks gave a vocal solo and responded to an encore.


JANUARY 26, 1923 – Motion by Chas. Austin that Percy Anderson be instructed to contract two cords of hickory wood. Carried. It was decided to 'court martial' Glenn Dorwin for his failure to act on the committee to which he was appointed. Loye Durand is to- be counsel for the defendant and Ed Suckow is to prosecute the case, Trial is set for Feb. 9, 1923. After the business meeting Mr. James Clark gave a very interesting talk on things that happened down Fentonville when he was a boy. Dr. C.H.Nelson gave a short talk.


MARCH 9, 1923 – Motion by Rollin Cass that the Legion secure stationery imprinted with Legion Emblem. After the business meeting a radio concert was listened to.




JANUARY 31 - Quartermaster Strong reported $31.00 in the Treasury. Commander Cass appointed a committee to arrange for a series of movies. The Dance committee was continued. Comrade Roy Reynolds reported the wood box empty. Motion made that Reynolds buy a loar of wood from Triangle Furniture Co., passed. With appropriate remarks Commander Clark presented Past-Commander Clark with the Past-Commander medal.


FEB. 8, 1924 – The picture committee reported a movie was arranged for every two weeks. Commander Cass appointed a committee to arrange for the Wilson Memorial Services. Comrade Kidder asked that the Legion to take charge of a program in school on the eve of Washington's birthday. Committee was appointed to direct this program.


FEBRUARY 11, 1924 – Meeting called to order in regular form, with good attendance. The Quartermaster made an encouraging report. The moving picture committee everything orgenized and in fine shape. Chas. Austin of the Bonus Situation Committee reproted the arrival at the Legion. The Dance committee reported progress; Dance to be held March 9th. The Washington Memorial Committee reported a speaker had been engaged. The G.A.R. Was also to be represented. Commamder Cass called for the election of another Vice-Commander at the next meeting. Comrade Strong reported the piano paid for.


December 16, 1924 – A motion was made and seconded that the Legion put on a movie, the proceeds going to the Claim Dept. There followed a discussion of the monument for Samuel Derby. The results of the election of officers: Commander – Walter Strong, Vice Commander – Rollin Cass, Adjutant – Marion Clark, Quartermaster – Chas. Austin.


DECEMBER 29, 1924 – Comrade Cass reported that the picture “Pied Piper Malone” had been secured to be shown New Years Night. Installation of officers followed with Comrade Stewart Myers of Ira Lou Spring Post officiating. A committee composed of Comrades Morrell and Clark was named to take care of the Community Christmas tree. It was announced that the firemen would meet in the Post rooms Mon. eve Jan. 5. After business, Post Commander served amost delicious oyster supper.




JANUARY 7 – It was decided to have a picture show every two weeks, nothing interfering. The following committee were named by Commander Strong: 

Americanism – R.S. Kidder

Post Activities – R.L. Little

Welfare - M.W. Clark

Comrade Reynolds reported that the wood must be moved from Venman's barn and the Commander designated the following Monday night for the members to meet and carry the wood into the Legion rooms. It was voted to have a smoker for ex-servicemen of the Community, Fri. eve 16th.


JANUARY 15 1925 – The Q.M. Gave a report of the financial condition of the Post. It was decided to hold a memberdhip contest, Comrades Reynolds and Dorwin being selected as captains, and they choose the following as their teams:


Capt. Dorwin Capt. Reynolds

Rollin Cass Ed Annis

Walter Wheeler Walter Stanton

Walter Strong Leo Suckow

Marion Clark Chas. Austin

It was edcided to reduce the dues ti $2.00 per year. Members who had paid the full years dues were refunded $2.00


FEBRUARY 4 1925 – Comrades Morrell and Clark were appointed to get chairs and wax for the floor. It was voted to continue Post membership drive until Feb 19th. Memorial Day Plans were discussed. It was voted to invite the County Conference here for May Conference.


FEBRUARY 18,1925 – A letter from the County Membership Conference Officer was read requesting the drive be continued until April 1st. It was voted to engage Wm. Kimball to build a gun rack.


MARCH 4 1925 – The picture committee reported a profit of $3.35 on the picture. Comrade Suckow urged the members to support the pictures with both attendance and help and the committee was authorized to book up to a series of 4. Q.M. Austin that an ex-serviceman named Whitney was authorized and in need and applied to the Legion for asistance and the same was given to the amount if $9.84. Comrade Durand was present and made some fine remarks. Some discussion as to getting the Town Hall as a meeting place and a committee composed of Austin, Suckow and Strong was named tp meeet the Town Board in reference to the matter.


MARCH 15, 1925 – Bill of $12.50 for laboer and material on gun case read and ordered paid. National Essay Contest was discussed and decided to ask local students to participate.


APRIL 15, 1925 – Comrade Austin reported that Rev. Maxwell of Fredonia has been engaged as speaker for Memorial Day, For music 'Stoddaard's Band' has been hired. A communication regarding the Endowment Fund read State Commander. Comrade Suckow reported that the Town Board had acted favorably on the proposition of the Legion taking ove the Town Hall. It was voted that the Legion take care of the light bill for the entire Town Hall building. Comrade Suckow and Clark were appointed as a decorating committee for our new quarters.


APRIL 27, 1925 – Comrade Suckow reported for the decorating committee. Wed. eve, April 29 was designated to paint the walls.


SEPT. 16, 1925 - The Commander reported on an interview with Mr. Messerly of Warre, PA. Regarduing a monument for Samuel Derby. It was voted to porceed toward the purchase of a monument. The Commander appointed the following to a committee: Comrades Dorwin, Clark and Strong. Commmander Austin gave a report on the State Convention held in New York City.


OCTOBER 14, 1925 – Comrade Strong reported that a monument for Samuel Derby had been ordered, same to be placied by Armistice Day. It was voted to have an unveiling ceremony on Armistice Day.


NOVEMBER 4, 1925 – Comrade Chandler reported that arrangements were complete for Armistice Day. He also reported that the committee had made arrangements to hold dances each Friday night. Plans were completed for the ceremony of unveiling the monument. Comrade Clark was appointed to take charge as the Commander will be absent. A rising vote of thanks was given to the Comrades and others who helped move the piano back to the rooms.


DECEMBER 22, 1925 – Comrade Chandler gave a report on the dances as follows:


Receipts Expenses

First Dance $44.45 $27.75

Second Dance 19.5 26.70

Third Dance 41.00 30.00

Balance $20.50

Election of officers for the new term were held and the following men were elected: Commander – Leon Chandler, Vice-Commander - Chas. Austin, Adjutant – Marion W. Clark, Quartermaster – Walter W, Strong, Trustee 3 yrs., Suckow. Comrade Suckow moved that the post rent a lock box at the Post Office. Carried.




JANUARY 6 – County Commander Midgely was present and installed the officers who were elected in the December meeting. A bill from the I.O.O.F. For $15.00 was read and ordered paid.


FEBRUARY 2nd 1926 – After some discussion it was moved and carried to institute a system for finances, whereby the Quartermasters books will be audited at the end of the year.


APRIL 6, 1926 – Comrade Strong reported over $14.00 taken in at the card party held on March 17th and expenses about $7.00. Comrade Strong was appointed to get a speaker for Memorial Day. Ed Suckow was appointed leader of the firing squad.


OCTOBER 20, 1926 – Elections were held and the following Comrades were chosen for office: Commander – James Wiltsie, Vice-Commander – Edw. Norton, Adjutant – Ralph Little. Motion made that Chaplin be appointed by Commander. It was also voted to combine the offices of Adjutant and Quartermaster. Comrade Dorwin was elected as Trustee 3 yrs. It was decided to let the Hall to the music teacher from Warren for $12.00 per month. Elactric light bill of $1.00 ordered paid.




MAY 4, 1927 – Plans for Memorial Day were discussed. Chas Austin was directed to order 600 Poppies.


MAY 11, 1927 – Edw Norton and Eric LeBarron were appointed as committee to interview pastors in regard to holding union memorial services in school hall, Sun.am, May 29th at 11 o'clock. Ralph Little was directed to order 100 – 8'x12' flags to be used in parade and 12 – 12'x16' flags to be put on graves of Veterans. It was voted to give a prize of a one pound box of candy to the school child who sold the most Poppies. The Auxiliary and Legion members together voted to give $5.00 to the American Red Cross for flood relief.


OCTOBER 5, 1927 – Electin of officers was the principal business of the meeting. Edward Norton was nominated and unanimously voted to suceed himself as Commander. Also elected: Vice-Commander – Marion Clark, Secretary and Treasurer – Ralph Little, Sgt. At Arms – Glenn Darwin, Chaplin – Chas Austin. There was a discussion on the subject of a Dance Arnistice Night. Ralph Little was asked to look after music. Treasurer reported about $30.00 on hand with all bills paid.


OCTOBER 19, 1927 – It was decided to have a card party on Armistice Day instead of a dance. Commander Norton was elected to meet with the Board of Education at next meeting in regard to securing school hall for the basketball team. Is was also voted that the Legion assist school boys in their endeavor to secure showers. Meeting adjourned to the dinner table where an oyster supper was served by Chas Austin and Marion Clark.




JAN. 4, 1928 – It was reported that the local Grange wished to rent the hall for meetings every other week, for a consideration of one hundred dolls per year.


APRIL 11, 1928 - An appeal wss made by the Frewsburg Board of Trade for use of rooms to hold meetings. Motion carried to give Board of Trade use of rooms during summer months, providing they keep them clean. Ralph Little was directed to order 25 Veterans grave markers. One gross flags 11'x18'. One half to be marked, name and No. of Post. One gross 8'x11' flags. 500 Poppies.


May 2nd 1928 – Frank Engbloom was appointed as committee to distribute Civil War grave markers. It was suggested that all socities be invited through Community Council to participate.


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