The bronze tablet in Mynderse Library which contains the names of Seneca Falls service- men, has a far deeper significance to any person who witnessed the dedication of the tablet, than before the service Tuesday night. General Wilson of Geneva and James F. Gallivan of Rochester, District Chairman of the American Legion addressed the gathering at Trinity Church parish house. The building was not large enough to accommodate those who wished to hear the address.
Proceeded by servicemen in uniform, the Daughters of the American Revolution and their guests, the mothers and relatives of the deceased servicemen, filed into the Mynderse Library. The servicemen formed a hollow square, facing the corner in which had been placed the bronze tablet. Mrs. Edward W. Anderson, regent of Sa-go-ye-wat ha Chapter, in these words withdrew the large silken American Flag that hid the bronze tablet,

It is for the honor of the Flag and to the honor of those who protected and defended it, that I unveil this tablet to-night in the name of Sa-go-ye-wat ha Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.

Dr. F. W. Lester, on behalf of the servicemen thanked the D. A. R. for the impressive memorial. For the trustees of the library, F. L. Story accepted the safe keeping of the tablet. W. G. Cummings, bugler, then sounded taps. The impressive character of the ceremony and the glint of the gold stars on the tablet, brought tears to almost every eye as the last faint tones of the bugle were merged into the singing of America. (Photo - Taken in 2005).

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