The Adirondack News Saturday, February 26, 1921 Final Meeting of Durkee Post. A special meeting of Durkee Post G. A. R. 604, was held, on the evening of Feb. 18,1921 at Weller's Hall. The following members were present: Commander Adnor Johnson, J. P. Smith, O. F. Brabon, Wm. Harvey, Charles Jennette, Harrison Hunkins. The members of St. Regis Post, No. 322, American Legion attended as guests. While the assembled soldiers stood at parade rest, Chaplain Smith read a short prayer. The posts were then seated and Commander Johnson stated the purpose of the Meeting to be the desire of the Civil War veterans to turn over their flags, swords, altar and other property to the American Legion. Commander Johnson then called upon Adjutant Smith to make the address of the evening and he gave a very interesting history of Durkee Post from the date of its Inception, August 28, 1884 to the present date, giving a list of the charter members of whom two were present, Com. Johnson and Com. Brabon, a list of the Post Commanders, of whom Com. Johnson and Com. Harvey were present, also other Interesting facts. Adj. Smith then made the presentation of the colors and swords, which were received by Vice Commander Prespare of the Legion. Com. Johnson then closed the services and tendered the conduct of meeting to Com. Dupree of St. Regis Post. Com. Dupree made a very appropriate and interesting response, touching on both the Civil and World Wars and the principles which were established by the Grand Army and upheld by the new veterans. The meeting closed by all singing "America." After the meeting, refreshments were served, latent musical talent was discovered and a social hour was spent. All present voted the affair an unqualified success.