The Adirondack News
Saturday, August 30, 1919

Charter for St. Regis Post 322 of the American Legion has been granted, it was announced August 23d by Wade H. Hayes, State Secretary, 140 Nassau Street, New York City.

This makes three posts of the American Legion now in operation in Franklin county, the other two posts previously formed being in Malone and Tupper Lake. In addition it is believed that there are sufficient service men in several other towns of the county to warrant the formation of posts.

Only fifteen men are required to sign an application for a charter so that there are few towns in the county, which cannot muster from the surrounding community this number of men who donned the blue and the khaki for Uncle Sam against the Hun. Application blanks may be obtained from Heyward Irving, of Malone, County Chairman of the American Legion in Franklin.

Charter members of the St. Regis Falls Post include the following: Bayard T. Dupree, Earl J. LaPoint, Fred W. Lemieux, Daniel Donovan Jr, Wayne D. Barnes, George C. Prespare Jr, Thomas H. Delaire, Arthur S. O'Neil, Glenn B. Murphy, Joseph Baker, Cherol F. Aldrich, Ernest E. Bruce, Leo S. Parks, Francis H. LaFave, George Sansville. Applications for membership in this post should be sent to Arthur S. O'Neil, St. Regis Falls, N.Y.

Mr. Irving and other American Legion leaders in Franklin county are anxious to have as large a membership within the next month as possible in order that the county's fighting men may be adequately represented at the first state convention of the American Legion, to be held in Rochester on October 10th and 11th. delegates to this convention from each county will be elected according to the membership of that county.

The American Legion has been officially recognized President Wilson, General Pershing, Admiral Sims, Secretary of War Baker, Secretary of the Navy Daniels, George Leonard Wood and many other administration and military leaders in the official veterans' association of the great war. Already there are more than 325 posts of the American Legion in the state and the state headquarters confidently expects 500 posts with a total of 100,000 members in this state by the time of the state convention.

The same remarkable growth of the Legion is manifest throughout the whole United States where approximately 3,500 posts have been formed with a membership of more than 500,000. It is also expected that by the date of the first national convention, to be held in Minneapolis on November 10th, 11th, and 12th there will be a membership of one million. This membership will eventually reach more than four million and the American Legion expects to form one of the most powerful bodies in the country, pledged to its task to "Keep America American!"

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