A look at the Post’s first meeting – by Roger Bradley, Past Commander


On September 29, 1927, at 7PM, a group of World War I veterans gathered at the Millerton Fire House for the purpose of conducting the first meeting of the newly formed Millerton Post #178, The American Legion. The evening opened with a “Beef Steak supper which was enjoyed by all. Present, as invited guests, were the President of the Village of Millerton, Mr E. B. Reed and the Chief of the Fire Company, Mr W. M. Bates.”

After the “supper”, those gathered moved upstairs and the meeting was called to order by the acting President, Lloyd Swanson. “The first in line of business was election of officers. Dr Tabor, (Gilbert S.) took the chair as chairman of the election. Swanson acted as secretary in the absence of Howard Scutt who came in later. Valentine, (Oliver W.) Velley, (Orville) and Miller, (Harry B.) were appointed tellers.”

Nominations were as follows:

Commander-Swanson and Scutt. Swanson was elected.
Senior Vice Commander-Scutt was unanimously elected.
Adjutant-Valentine and Miller-Valentine was elected.
Sergeant-at-Arms-Selby, (O.R.) Brewer (Herbert E.) Hoffman, (Ed) Selby was elected.
Finance Officer-Block, (Irving) and Brewer. Block was elected
Historian-Krauss, Stickles and Scouten, (Clifford)Scouten was elected.
Chaplain-Miller and Velley. Velley was elected.

During the meeting it was voted to hold an Armistice Night Dance, November 11, 1927 in the Millerton Theater. The committee consisted of Ronald J. Silvernale, Orville Velley, Harry B. Miller and Ed. J. Hoffman.

The meeting night was set as the 1st Thursday of each month. With the conclusion of the business, the meeting adjourned. The above is taken from the minutes of that meeting recorded by Oliver W. Valentine, the newly elected Adjutant.

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