The World War (WWI) veterans of our community started the American Legion Post 1038. Their local friend Adoph Pfister U.S. Navy Seaman died because of his service during the war, and he became the name sake of their new American Legion Post in 1931. It was not called WWI at the time, rather until WWII started,
We are a WWI Post. Local son, Adolph Pfister, served in the U.S. Navy. Valhalla American Legion Adolph Pfister Post 1038 was chartered in 1931 and named in honor of Adolph Pfister, a local young U.S. Navy Seaman who lost his life serving our country soon after WWI, while in the US Navy. Our Post is also dedicated to the memory of three other local men who died in service to our country: William Pfleiderer, Jr. and Albert A. Cesari (WWII) and Wayne Johanson (Vietnam). The families of these four men played important roles in the Valhalla community.