Post 82 Millville, New Jersey

Post 82

Millville, New Jersey

Post 82 Millville, New Jersey

About This Post

Post Namesake
Nabb-Leslie: Originally named Malvern J. Nabb after an Army Lieutenant killed in action at Chateau Thierry during World War I, and later became hyphenated as Nabb-Leslie in 1948 with the addition of a second namesake as that of PFC Arthur ... READ MORE
Notable Members
Joseph Sooy, Millville City Commissioner; Robert “Bruce” Land, NJ State Assemblyman
What Makes this Post Unique
Post 82 currently has over 400 members, and is managed by Legionnaires who volunteer to serve as officers. As a non-partisan non-profit organization all revenue generated beyond that of basic operating expenses trickles back into the community in one way ... READ MORE




Our Beginning

Jun 20, 1919
The American Legion was chartered by congress in March of 1919 as a result of American service members in World War I organizing and attending a caucus in Paris, France. Shortly thereafter the idea of veterans organizing and establishing a local post in the City of Millville began to spread and take root. Joe Smith, a former Mayor a past City Solicitor, played a vital role in bringing what would become Post 82 to fruition...
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Our Beginning


Jul 4, 1919
The citizens on Millville generously gave donations to the post as Legionnaires raised money to host a big reception for returning WWI veterans on July 4, 1919. Local newspapers would go on to describe it as the greatest 4th of July celebration ever held in Millville.
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Post Namesake

Aug 25, 1919
Post 82 chooses its namesake as that of Malvern J. Nabb, an Army Lieutenant killed in action at Chateau Thierry during World War I. Lt. Nabb was a resident of Millville.
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Post Namesake
Our 1st Charter

Our 1st Charter

Aug 25, 1919
Post 82 obtains its 1st charter.
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Change of Command

Jan 22, 1920
Several months later, the first post meeting under a formal charter was held on January 22, 1920 on the third floor of the Mechanics Bank Building as the Fidelity Council of the Junior Mechanics permitted the use of their rooms for this purpose. At this meeting the following officers were elected: Joseph T. Riley Jr. (Commander), Foster Mitchell (Vice-Commander), Harry Cox (Adjutant), J. Lawrence Bacon (Finance Officer), Rev. Louis E. Wein (Chaplain), J. Vernon Pepper..
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Change of Command

Post 82’s 1st Mardi Gras

Jul 4, 1920
On July 4, 1920 Post 82 held its first Mardi Gras in which Broad Street, between the Railroad and Second Street, was roped off for the day. Booths were erected, a patriotic parade was held and speeches were given in the afternoon, and a band concert and dancing in the street furnished the evening entertainment. It was a regular old fashioned 4th of July celebration, and the post netted a profit of $347.34. Mardi Gras..
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Auxiliary Unit 82 is organized

Oct 6, 1920
A Ladies Auxiliary Unit was organized at Post 82 in 1920. The American Legion Auxiliary consists of wives, daughters, and granddaughters of war era veterans and continues to be vital to the mission of Post 82 as well as the American Legion as a whole, and provides an opportunity for family members to contribute to the veterans community and partake in the legacy of their spouse's and/or relative’s military service.
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Post 82 forms a Post Color Guard

Post 82 forms a Post Color Guard

May 6, 1921
The American Legion Color Guard leads parades, participates in formal ceremonies, and renders honors for the deceased. Post 82’s Color Guard primarily consists of American Legion and S.A.L members, and remains active to this day.
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Our 1st Home

Dec 15, 1922
In December of 1922, Malvern J. Nabb Post 82 officially moved to 17 East Main Street where it remained until 1948.
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Our 1st Home
Post 82 Inaugurates Boys Week

Post 82 Inaugurates Boys Week

May 30, 1927
Post 82 Commander Harry Cox inaugurated Boys Week, a program dedicated to the education and development of youth, in 1927. The initiation of this program took place nearly 8 years prior to the American Legion Boys State programs being initiated in 1935. The Boys State program was eventually implemented in New Jersey in 1946. Pictured is a Boy’s Week ribbon won by Donald Breeden in 1929 at the age of 17 for building a model..
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Post 82 Organizes A Glee Club

Jan 1, 1928
Twice during the existence of Post 82 glee clubs have been organized. The first was in 1928 and was directed by Clyde Little, and the second was around 1950 and came into existence under the direction of George Satterlee. The glee club took part in numerous public concerts throughout Southern New Jersey and performed at several Department/State Conventions over the years.
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Post 82 Outfits A Baseball team

Post 82 Outfits A Baseball team

Apr 1, 1928
Post 82 outfitted a Baseball team in 1928 and went on to win the county title that year. The team would go on to win dozens of titles and awards over the years. To this day Post 82 continues to sponsor baseball teams in Millville Babe Ruth and the Millville National Cal Ripken League.
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Post 82 Organizes A Legion Band

Mar 7, 1930
The Legion Band was organized at Post 82 on March 7, 1930, by Arthur Leschke. There were 16 Legionnaires at the first meeting and the majority of them had no previous experience playing a musical instrument. The band made their first appearance in the auditorium of Millville High School on June 11, 1930. The Legion Band would go on to participate in hundreds of engagements, and win dozens of prizes and awards including the State..
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Post 82 Organizes A Legion Band

The American Legion Boys State Program takes root

Jun 1, 1935
The creation of the American Legion Boys State program is largely credited to Hayes Kennedy, a professor who taught at the Loyola University School of Law in Chicago and was Americanism Chairman of the Illinois Department of the American Legion. In 1935, Mr. Kennedy honed the concept of Boys State as a means to stress the importance and value of our democratic form of government amongst the nation’s youth in order to maintain and preserve..
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SAL Squadron 82 is organized

Apr 20, 1936
Sons of the American Legion formed a Squadron at Post 82 in 1936. Squadron 82 primarily consists of sons and grandsons of war era veterans. A number of SAL members have gone on to serve in the military themselves and now rate/hold dual membership as both a Legionnaire and as a member of SAL.
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Millville Becomes A Military Town

Millville Becomes A Military Town

Dec 17, 1942
The Millville airport was dedicated on August 2, 1941. From December 17, 1942 (when Air Corps personnel first arrived) to October 30, 1945 (when control was relinquished/returned to the City of Millville) the airport operated as the Millville Army Airfield which contained the United States Army Air Forces gunnery school for fighter pilots whereby service members were trained to fly combat mission prior to deploying overseas. After the Curtiss P-40 Warhawks were phased out, the..
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Post 82 Facilitates A USO Lounge In Millville

Dec 18, 1942
From 1942 to 1945 Post 82 allocated/donated space at the post, located at 17 E. Main Street, for a USO lounge to accommodate service members stationed at the Millville Army Airfield.
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Post 82 Facilitates A USO Lounge In Millville
USO Dance, c. 1944

USO Dance, c. 1944

Jan 1, 1944
Service members dancing at an event hosted by the Millville USO … just one of many events hosted between 1942 and 1945.
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Post 82’s Second Namesake

Jul 10, 1948
The post becomes hyphenated as Nabb-Leslie Post 82 in 1948 with the addition of a second namesake as that of PFC Arthur R. Leslie who was killed in action in France during World War II. PFC Leslie was a resident of Millville.
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Post 82’s Second Namesake
Post 82 Relocates And Adopts A Second Namesake

Post 82 Relocates And Adopts A Second Namesake

Jul 10, 1948
Post 82 relocated to its current location at 220 Buck Street, Millville, NJ 08332 in April of 1948. A formal dedication was held Saturday July 10, 1948 in which elected officials, members of the armed forces, legionnaires, and the general public attended the ceremony. Millville Mayor Clarence H. Reeves was amongst those in attendance and Major General Arthur W. Vanaman, a native of Millville, delivered the principal address at the dedication. Mrs. Hannie Nabb, mother..
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