Seventeen veterans meet at the Mount Hope school to discuss becoming assosiated with a veterans organization. They choose the American Legion. A temporary charter is drawn up with the following veterans signing as Charter Members.
William Bobinyec Bernard Bosley Louis Bosley
Charles Elko Michael Elko Peter George
James Howell Russell Howell Andrew Lengyl
John Matronich Clarence Maxey Arthur Medore
*Charles O'Keefe, Sr. John Pavlovich, Sr. George Szakalos
William Welch, Sr. Fred..
Temporary officers were elected.
*Commander - Russell howell
*Adjutant - Arthur Medore
*Finance Officer - James howell
The Rockaway township governing body sold 53 acres to the Post for $5.00. Plans were made to erect a new home. A Building Fund Committee is formed. Two meetings were held each month between Mount Hope School and the Hibernia fire house.
The Post assumed responsibility of presenting the American Legion Americanism School Awards to students in the township schools - Hibernia, Mt. hope, amd Mt. Pleasent.
The desicion was made to incorporate the Post. Trustees were elected.
*B. Bosley C. Bosley A. Cuneo
*M. Czohla H. Zelinsky
The first full slate of permanent officers are elected:
*Commander - A.S. Medore
*1st Vice Commander - R. Chapman
*2nd Vice Commander - M. Elko
*Adjutant - A. Chernati
*Finance Officer - E. Kelly
*Assistant Finance Officer - W. George
*Sergeant-at-Arms - C. Lizun
*Historian - F. Kovoch
*Service Office - B. Bosley
There was a mass installation of 100 members held at theMount Hope School.
Post 344 takes charge of the Service Honor Roll located at Mount Hope School.
The Ladies Auxiliary was granted a charter from the American Legion Auxiliary. The Charter Members were.
*Elizabeth Bosley *Mary Chernati *Jean Powers *Josephine Lively
*Nina Powers *Doris Bosley *Edna Maxey *Mary Medore
*Helen Clark *Maria Paviovich ..
The Post membership voted to participate in the Department of NJ's Safety Essay Contest. The contest was open to all township students in grades 6, 7, and 8. The Post continued to sponsor this contest up until the mid 2000's. Students were required to write an essay on a safety theme of their choice. Demands on student time and curriculum prorities prevented the middle school students from participating.
The first Memorial Day services were held at Denville, Mt. Hope, and Rockaway. The newly formed firing Squad participated in the event. A march was made from the Mt. Hope firehouse to the school.
A Certificate of Incorporation was issued by the State of New jersey.
The Post received the deed to its property.
The Permanent Charter was granted by the American Legion.
The Permanent Charter was presented to the Post by Department of New Jersey and Morris County Committee officers at an official ceremony.
In 1946, the township sold 53 acres of land to the Post for $5.00. By December 1948, the membership decided to sell plots of land with preference given to legionnaires and auxiliary. This was the start of the great sell-off of most of the property to individuals and developers through 1992. A variety of events during this time period resulted in the sale of the property - large sewer assessments, taxation of unused land,..
The Trustees agreed to sell an acre of land to Rockaway Township for $1.00 for the purpose of building a municipal building and a children's playgroung. The township would pay all legal fees.
The Legion rents a centralized address in Wharton to receive all mail. The address to be; Rockaway Township Post, No. 344, P.O., Address: R.D. No 1, Wharton, NJ.
The clearing of the property for the new Post Home was completed in October 1949. By the end of November of that year the trees, brush, and logs were cleaned out of the area. A blueprint was made of the property in March 1950. During 1950 and 1951 fund raisers were conducted to add to the Building fund. These included picnics, dances, and raffles. On April 22, 1952, the footings for the building were..
The Sons of the American Legion Charter was granted by the American Legion. The Charter Members were:
*Neil Wellington *Thomas Fitzgerald *Francis Chernati
*Gary Secallus *James Geiser *Charles Secallus
*Michael McCarthy *Ernest Powers *Bruce Bannon
*John James *Richard Bannon *George Yorkston
*Ralph Starace *Malcom Yorkston *John Hollis
*David Yorkston *Greg Rottengen *Dennis Czahla
*Ronny Zielensky *Paul Luksa *Walter Unick
*Gary Troutman *Larry Unick *Jeffrey Troutman
*Raymond Unick *Thomas Troutman *Pete Hendricks