American Legion Hall Once Again Becomes Property of Church, More Room Needed: Legion Now Has No Home.
The First Reformed Church of Hasbrouck Heights has bought back its old edifice, now the American Legion Hall,from the American Legion.
Soon after the Reformed Church moved into its new building, the James B. Scarr Post of the American Legion, purchased the building but not the ground, and since that time it has been used by them. It has served as the only community hall in the Heights.
The understanding was at the time that they could use the ground for five years and in the meantime purchase a plot of ground elsewhere and move the building. This was never done, and although the time expired more than a year ago and the Legion would be without a home, there seemed no necessity to move, but what the Legion will do now is a matter of conjecture
At times during the past few years there has been talk of building community hall for the borough, with the larger organizations of the borough backing the movement. It may be that the action of the Reformed Church will crystallize the movement to give Hasbrouck Heights a real community hall.
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