In September of 1922 a motion was made and passed to investigate the possibility of purchasing the old First Reformed Church building (the New World Montessori School building) as a home for the Post when the new Reformed Church building was finished.
In October of 1923, Mr. Weimer was appointed to continue this inquiry.
In 1923 the Post started to meet at the Municipal Building rather than the Library.
Various entertainments were sponsored and athletic events entered during these years in order to keep the Post in the public’s eye.
At the end of December, it was decided to offer the Reformed Church Consistory $1,000 cash and $250 in one year and another $250 in the second year.
In January of 1924 this offer was accepted by the Consistory and in February the first meeting was held in the new American Legion Hall.
First Reformed Church builds new building with James B. Scarr stained glass window behind alter.
The official Opening Meeting and House Warming at the new American Legion Hall was held in March 1924. This was a great day in the history of Post 106.
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