Captain James B. Scarr
Post 106 American Legion
Post History
Part One
(As appeared in The Gazette, June 2005)
James Bernard Scarr was born in Hollis, Kansas on February 17, 1893. After a number of moves, his family, including his younger brother Francis, settled on Columbus Avenue in Hasbrouck Heights in 1910.
James attended Rutgers University after high school where he was active as a member of the Glee Club and held a number of class offices.
In addition to these activities, James was Captain of the Cadet Corps and participated in the Reserve Officers Training Corps since its inception in the summer of 1913.
After graduation from Rutgers, ‘Jimmie’ Scarr worked as a teacher and athletic director at Hasbrouck Heights High School during the 1916-17 year. He was also very active in the Scout movement and served as its second Scout Master.
America’s declaration of war against Germany in April 1917 spurred James Scarr to take the examination for appointment to the rank of provisional Second Lieutenant in the Regular Army.
After passing the exam, James Scarr left his position at the High School and left for Officers Training Camp at Fort Meyer VA in May of 1917.
Second Lieutenant James Scarr was commissioned in August 1917 and assigned to the 30th US Infantry Third Division in early September.
Rapidly promoted to First Lieutenant, James Scarr proceeded to France in February 1918 in advance of the rest of the Third Division.
The Third Division continued its training in France until being moved to the front at Chateau-Thierry on May 31, 1918 to stem the German assault on the French line at the Marne.
Lieutenant James Scarr was at the Battalion Headquarters in Mt. St. Bonneil on the evening of June 6, 1918.
The Headquarters was under heavy bombardment, and Lieutenant James Scarr was administering First Aid to three wounded men who had just been brought in when a high-explosive shell exploded nearby. Lieutenant James Scarr was killed instantly, his broken watch marking the exact time of his death, 2:15 a.m.
He was posthumously promoted to Captain. ###
Part Two
(As appeared in The Gazette, July 2005)
Francis Joseph Scarr, Jimmie’s younger brother, was a senior at Rutgers when the US declared war.
He too was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant on May 17, 1917 and reported to Virginia to serve with the 318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division.
Francis Scarr was commissioned a First Lieutenant in December 1917 and was appointed Aide-de-Campe to major General C. S. Farnsworth, commander of the 37th Division, in May of 1918 and proceeded to France.
Promoted to Captain, August 22, 1918, Joseph Scarr was assigned to command Company D 136th Machine Gun Battalion, 37th Division.
Serving with Company D Captain Scarr fought in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in late September 1918.
The 37th was moved towards Ypres, Belgium on October 22, 1918.
The Division was part of the Allied offensive to breach the German Lines at Ypres-Lys Belgium. On October 31, 1918 Captain Francis Scarr went over the top in command of Company D. He was wounded in the lower jaw, losing eight teeth.
It was for this bravery in action on this day that Captain Francis Scarr was awarded the French Croix de Guerre.
Captain Francis Scarr returned to the United States in December 1918 and spent some time recovering from his wounds.
After the war, he returned to Hasbrouck Heights.
Minutes from the organization meeting are as follows:
A meeting was held at the Library Hall on the evening of September 3, 1919 for the purpose of organizing a Post of the American Legion.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. D. A. Watt, who after a brief address, introduced Mr. Mulliken, the Field Secretary for Bergen County.
Mr. Mulliken explained the purpose and organization of the Legion.
At the completion of his address a request for a charter was signed by all present.
Mr. Mulliken suggested that temporary officers be chosen, and in line with this suggestion, the following were unanimously elected: Commander - F. J. Scarr, Vice Commander - M. M. Sheedy, Finance Officer - E. C. Ellis and Adjutant - A. E. Browne.
The election of Historian and Chaplain was deferred until a future meeting.
The question of a suitable name for the Post was discussed at length, and it was finally decided that it would be named after someone who had entered the service for Hasbrouck Heights and who had died in the service.
A ballot was taken to decide after which man the Post should be named and the balloting resulted as follows: J. B. Scarr - 17, R. H. Elias - 6, A. Botsford - 5, and W. V. Capen - 3. The name of the Post was therefor declared to be the James B. Scarr Post.
The Commander announced the following committees:
Constitution: E. O. West, D.A. Watt, E. H. Schoonmaker and H. B. Pope.
Entertainment: G. G. Ulrich, W. H. Colvin, A. S. Chandless, F. T. Preusch and G. A. Hastings.
Membership: W. J. Keogh, B. E. Aspdin, A. Deurloo and G. Storck.
Publicity: H. G. Weimar, F. R. Coyle, G. F. Schweickert and I. E. Martin.
A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Mulliken for his able assistance in the formation of the Post. On motion the meeting adjoined to meet on the evening of September 17th, at Library Hall.
Source: James. B. Scarr American Legion Post 106. ###
The original Post home was located the old First Reformed Church building at the New World Montessori School building for several years (circa 1927-29). (Photo above) The Post then looked into the possibility of building a "War Memorial Building" about 1947-48 at The Boulevard and Henry Street (Bill O'Shea's/Commerce Bank parking lot) .
Part Three
(As appeared in The Gazette, August 2005)
After the organization of Post 106 on September 3, 1919, the next meetings were held at Library Hall, (the Hasbrouck Heights Public Library). It was decided to meet twice a month, the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
In October the Post was asked by the local Red Cross to take over the Red Cross Fund Drive. It was happy to do so.
The News Letter, a local paper, gave us publicity and a petition to add names to the Veterans’ Monument and was sent to the Borough Council. This project continued for a couple of years.
On November 21st of 1919, Post 106 sponsored entertainment, a minstrel show, which was very successful. It returned a profit of a few hundred dollars.
A committee to find a home for the Post was appointed and a dedicated fund for that purpose was set up. Finding a home would take a number of years.
A basketball team was formed, plans for a formal dinner ($2.50 per person) were made and the Post continued to advise the Council about names to be added to the monument.
In March of 1920, plans were made to form a baseball team and, as well, a few months later, a rifle team.
The Ladies Auxiliary applied for and received their Charter in the last months of 1920.
Along with the sport competitions of the Post, they also sponsored a night of boxing matches and, with the Auxiliary, held a Barn Dance in November of 1921.
It was decided to hold one of the monthly meetings in conjunction with the Auxiliary in order to help them become established.
It was reported that the Auxiliary had visited the Rest Farm for Disabled Veterans (Chestnut Ridge) in Saddle River Township for Thanksgiving.
It was voted to donate $1.00 a head for men at the Farm to enable the Auxiliary to give them something for Christmas.
In September of 1922 a motion was made and passed to investigate the possibility of purchasing the old First Reformed Church building (the New World Montessori School building) as a home for the Post when the new Reformed Church building was finished.
In October of 1923, Mr. Weimer was appointed to continue this inquiry.
In 1923 the Post started to meet at the Municipal Building rather than the Library.
Various entertainments were sponsored and athletic events entered during these years in order to keep the Post in the public’s eye.
At the end of December, it was decided to offer the Reformed Church Consistory $1,000 cash and $250 in one year and another $250 in the second year.
In January of 1924 this offer was accepted by the Consistory and in February the first meeting was held in the new American Legion Hall.
The official Opening Meeting and House Warming at the new American Legion Hall was held in March 1924. This was a great day in the history of Post 106.
In early May a minstrel show was presented at Legion Hall and was given again on May 24th at the Chestnut Ridge Veterans Home at the request of the Auxiliary. A lawn party was planned for August.
Over the next few years improvements to the plumbing, electrical system, heating, building and grounds were made.
The Post sponsored boxing matches, fairs, minstrel shows, dances, and other entertainment to support the Post’s Home.
It also was deeply involved with various local and county charities particularly those concerning Veterans.
The year 1928 ended, as do these minutes, with the Post happily in its new home. ###
During the American Legion Post 106 1955 installation, Ralph Knettle (left) received his 35 year award and medal for outstanding service to the Post from Carl Therkeldsen (right). Both men were World War I veterans. Photo by George F. Knoll
Part Four
(As appeared in The Gazette, September 2005)
The minutes start again in May of 1933 with the meeting being held at the Pioneer Club. Apparently, the Great Depression had an effect on the Post’s ownership of its Home.
The Junior Baseball Team, sponsored by the Post, was playing with teams from the surrounding towns.
Plans were made for Memorial Day services to be held with the Wood-Ridge Post. In the fall, arrangements included Armistice Day (Veterans Day) services, officer elections for the new year, and plans for a Christmas dinner.
In 1934 Mr. Carl Therkeldsen was the Commander and we were still meeting at the Pioneer Club.
It was decided to arrange with Mr. Smith, of the local theater, The Lyric, to show the movie "Forgotten Men" and a Card Party that had been held in the spring was declared a success.
A motion to donate $25.00 to the Wood-Ridge Post’s Drum & Bugle Corps for the Memorial Day Parade was passed.
The bowling team was active. We enlisted more members and arranged for Armistice Day services with the Methodist Church. A Christmas party, to be held in conjunction with the Ladies, was planned for the end of December.
By 1935 Mr. B. E. Aspdin was again Commander (1923).
The Post bowling team reported the completion of a successful year and plans were put forth for the Junior Baseball Team.
In the spring, arrangements were made to have the, NJ State Commander of the American Legion as the speaker at the Memorial Day services to be held at the Veterans Monument.
The Church of St. John the Divine was to hold a like service on May 26th. All were invited.
Comrade Ralph Knettle, a Past Post Commander (1932-33), announced his decision to run for the Post of Bergen County Legion Commander. Various Card Parties and other events also took place.
In November, food was donated for Thanksgiving baskets and Armistice Day was properly commemorated. The Post & Auxiliary Christmas Party was held on December 16, 1935.
In 1936 Mr. J. Ryan was installed as Commander and the County Legion was invited to hold their monthly meeting in the Heights on January 21st.
With Sons of the American Legion Squadron having been formed, a set of Colors were voted for them.
The bowling and baseball teams were to be continued, fees being paid to the respective leagues.
Efforts were made to procure, through the Adjutant General of NJ, eight (8) rifles for the Post’s Ceremonial Rifle Squad and three (3) Post members were appointed to the Mayor’s Celebration Committee. (Gives you an idea how long that commitee has existed.)
Plans were made to hold a bazaar jointly with the Pioneer Club, after the Lenten season, and a Card Party was also on for May 28th. Plans for Memorial Day were made and carried out as usual.
At the October meeting the newly elected officers for 1937 were installed and the new set of flags was presented to the Sons of the Legion by County Commander Knettle.
At both Thanksgiving and the Christmas season, food baskets were given to those needing them. Armistice Day services were held on Nov. 11th and the Post finished the year with its Christmas Party.
The Commander in 1937 was Herbert Weir and the bowling team continued its success. Plans were made for a Safety Drive in conjunction with the Police Department.
A donation was made to the Red Cross for flood relief in the Midwest and a National Flag(Civilian Conservation Corps) camp at Teterboro airfield. A committee was formed to try to find a new Post Home. Arrangements for Memorial Day were made.
The Sons of the Legion attended a ball game or two in NY.
In October, the meeting was held at the Old Homestead where the officers’ installation for both the Post and the Auxiliary was held.
Commander Weir was commended for the manner in which he ran the Post. In November it was decided to hold the business meetings at the Municipal Building and the social meetings at the Old Homestead.
The Sons of the Legion held their meetings at the Methodist Church. The Post gave out 31 food baskets at Thanksgiving. Corpus Christi Church was thanked for the use of their Hall on Armistice Day and a Post Dinner was held at the Old Homestead on December 20th.
In 1938, the Commander was Mr. N. Fayle. The Post sent letters to the Senate supporting Universal Military Service and the creation of a larger Navy.
The plans for Memorial Day were made and carried out.
The usual social events were planned and the baseball and bowling teams continued their seasons and arrangements for the Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets were made. Installation of Post and Auxiliary Officers was done by the County Commander and Auxiliary President.
Mr. Adrian Duerloo was installed as the 1939 Post Commander. Past Commander (1922) Mr. Albert E. Browne started his six (6) year era as mayor of Hasbrouck Heights (1938-1944).
In February of 1939 the Building Committee reported that property on the corner of Raymond and the Boulevard was available and the members voted to pursue the matter for a Post Home.
Plans were made for Memorial Day. A visit to Bergen Pines, the Veterans Home, was made to see Comrade Hylan and the others at the Home.
The baseball team had another successful year. The SAL planned to go to a ball game at the Polo Grounds in July; the bus rental cost $17.00.
In August, after much discussion, it was decided not to pursue the purchase of the Raymond Street site because it was in the business district. Officer elections were set for September.
Plans for a dance to mark the 20th Anniversary of the Post and for the usual Thanksgiving, Armistice Day, and Christmas Party doings were made.
The Building Committee reported in October that there was no property avilable on the Boulevard or east of Terrace Avenue. All meetings that year were held at the Municipal Building.
Mr. Clarence Hoener became Post Commander in 1940.
Interest in the SAL seemed to have fallen off. The question of a Post Home came up again and to settle it a vote was taken at one of the first meetings of the year. It was decided to drop the idea at that time and the Building Committee was discharged with thanks.
The bowling and baseball teams continued their seasons and the regular plans for Memorial Day were carried out. In the fall the officer elections were held and both installation ceremonies held. By vote both the Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets were to go only to needy Veterans.
Armistice Day ceremonies were carried out and the end of the year dinner held. At this point the minutes again end. Mr. Theodore Gabelka was elected Commander for 1941.
The clouds of war were now coming to America. ###
American Legion Post 106 enjoys a family picnic. Circa estimated to be 1950's. Photo by Harry E. Sheridan
Part Five
(As appeared in The Gazette, October 2005)
In September of 1941 Mr. Harold Pope was elected Commander.
On December 7th Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and the United States was drawn into World War II. Almost instantly Hasbrouck Heights and the entire country changed.
The Post continued to support the veterans of WWI in the Paramus Home, held the annual Memorial Day and Armistice Day ceremonies, and helped out with various War Bond and Scrap Drives.
William Brunckhorst Sr. became Commander in 1943 and during this period it was realized that, at the end of the war, Post 106 would probably experience a great growth in membership.
Thus the idea of having their own building again arose. Funds being needed, in 1944 the Post formed a corporation named, "The American Legion Scrap Corp." with the purpose of raising money by collecting newspapers, magazines, and scrap metal to sell.
By 1946 this was changed to "The American Legion Center of Hasbrouck Heights."
During this time, 1944 to 1947, J. Tangney, Turner Blaine, Ralph Knettle, and Shaler Hawkins served as Commanders.
The Post met in various locations including the home of one of the members during these years but talks were begun with the Borough Council to obtain a piece of land on which to build this Post Home.
In 1947/1948 the Borough agreed to lease the land to Post 106 at $1.00 per year.
Now under Commander William Brunckhorst Jr., the land at the corner of Henry Street and the Boulevard was acquired for the erection of a building to be called "The American Legion Center."
However, it was stipulated that the building had to be open and operating in five years. As, by 1947, the membership had reached two hundred and was still growing, it was thought that financing it would not be a problem.
Actually, two different buildings were proposed. The first was a more formal two-story building, to be called the "Hasbrouck Heights War Memorial Building." A drawing and a floor plan of this will be provided in the next edition.
The alternate was to be a one-story structure, which many preferred, and included a bowling alley. An architect was hired, a building model made, and plans (shown here) for the one-story building drawn up.
Both were to be considered to be town social centers, open to all citizens of the Borough. ###
Part Six
(As appeared in The Gazette, November 2005)
Part Six continues the story of the American Legion looking for a home. This segment is an excerpt from a brochure presented to the community in the ‘50’s titled: "A Living Memorial for All Hasbrouck Heights War Veterans."
They Served Us Well
For nearly four years our young men and women left their homes and their loved ones and went to war -- to a terrible war from which some will never return. All of them were ready to go, and fought to preserve our way of life -- to keep our community and our nation free of tyranny.
The unconditional surrenders of first Nazi Germany and then Japan last year testifies to the fact that they did their unsought and unwanted job well. Every person in our land owes them a debt of gratitude which we will find increasingly difficult to repay.
We at home did everything we possibly could to support them throughout the war. We oversubscribed War Bond, Red Cross and National War Fund drives.
We organized and maintained an effective Civilian Defense organization. We saved our waste paper and our fats. We have reason to be proud of our records at home.
We have even more reason to be proud of the records of our young men and women in the war. While we were offering our money, our time and our thoughts -- they were offering, and giving, their lives.
Many of our soldiers, sailors, marines and coastguardsmen have returned to civilian life.
In the next few months nearly all of them will have forgotten -- as far as it is possible to forget -- what they went through in uniform for us.
It is clearly our turn to think of them; not only to think of them, but to do something for them by which they will remember us for years to come. How?
A Building All May Use
There has been much discussion between "living" and "dead" memorials.
The Hasbrouck Heights War Memorial, Inc., an organization of veterans of both World Wars and other interested citizens, believes that Hasbrouck Heights can best show its appreciation for what its young men and women have done through a "living" memorial--one which will provide a source of recreation and pleasure to all veterans for years to come.
To accomplish this, a War Memorial Building has been proposed -- a building open not to the members of one or possibly two or three veteran organizations -- but to all from Hasbrouck Heights who served their nation in uniform.
An architect’s sketch of the proposed building is pictured with floor plans.
They are reproduced here after careful consideration, with a view to what the veterans will want.
It is sincerely believed that such a building will become a gathering place of all veterans -- again it is emphasized that it will be open not only to one or two veterans’ organizations, but to all veterans, whether they be affiliated or not.
In brief, it will be a living monument as well as a place of recreation for all Hasbrouck Heights veterans.
It will be a place for them to meet, to talk, to play. It will also be a constant reminder to them of the gratefulness of the community they served so well.
The Building and Its Management
It is estimated that with present construction costs, the building pictured, be erected on a site leased to the Hasbrouck Heights War Memorial, Inc., by the Borough Council on the north-west corner of Boulevard and Henry Street at $1 per year, will cost $50,000 to erect.
It is believed that no work should begin until its entire cost has been met, either in cash donations or pledges.
There should be no mortgage over the heads of the veterans to whom the building will be turned over.
To whom will it be turned over? It is planned that it shall be managed by a Board of Trustees of responsible veterans -- those belonging to local units of veterans’ organizations (in equal numbers) plus a representation among those veterans active in the affairs of the building but who do not choose to belong to any veterans’ organization.
It is, of course, necessary that the building be managed. It is, the Hasbrouck Heights War Memorial, Inc., believes, important that it be managed for the best interests of all veterans.
A poll was taken of all Hasbrouck Heights veterans, and their replies have indicated beyond question that of all possible memorials, this is the one they would like best.
The day when the building our veterans want becomes a reality and is turned over to them, depends in a large measure upon the people of Hasbrouck Heights.
How You Can Show Your Appreciation
Fifty-thousand dollars is a great deal of money in a community the size of Hasbrouck Heights. It is too much money to be put upon our local real estate tax.
Furthermore, it is felt, it does not belong there. If the people of the community do not want to support such a living memorial as a building by voluntary contributions, it should not be built. It does not belong on the tax bill. How is $50,000 to be raised?
There is only one way, and that is through voluntary contributions and pledges.
There are approximately 2,000 homes and 8,000 people in Hasbrouck Heights. If each person gives $6.00, the building costs are covered. Or put it another way: If each family gives $25, the building can be constructed without any burdening mortgage.
Twenty-five dollars should mean something to everyone. It is the maturity value of a War Bond, and there are probably no families in Hasbrouck Heights without at least one.
A gift of one War Bond, purchased for our young men and women while they were in uniform, by each family in town, will build a living memorial for our veterans.
Is it too much to ask? The answer is obviously "No." Is it too much to give? Again the answer is obvious. Is it worthwhile? The answer, with our honored citizens wanting such a building, can only be "Yes."
Your opportunity to help will come within the next few days when a citizen interested in our returned servicemen and servicewomen, calls upon you to give your answer to the above questions in a substantial way. ###
Part Seven
(As appeared in The Gazette, December 2005)
Part Seven -- The 1950's
In the last two installments we showed both plans for the proposed Veterans Memorial Building in town. However, this was not the only activity that Post 106 was involved with.
Around 1946 the Post started to publish a newsletter, "The Veterans Voice," that continued for many years.
For some years, into the late 50’s, it was a six-page paper that gave news of the Post 106 Veterans’ World.
It continued into the 70’s, albeit smaller. We also sent young men to Boys’ State and gave awards for Oratory and History to the High School students.
But the most important item was to get the Memorial Building constructed and so the newly reconstituted (nineteen members) building committee, led over the next few years by Commanders Hamilton, Duerloo, Gottschalk (2 terms), and R. Flannery, sprang into action.
Bonds were sold, pleas were made, and funding drives started but despite all efforts, by 1953 not enough money ($35,000 to $50,000) had been raised (those figures will give you an idea of inflation over the years).
Things looked bleak for Post 106, but at that point Mrs. Albert E. Browne, widow of Mr. A. E. Browne, indicated that she would be willing to sell her house at 106 Terrace Avenue to the Post if the Post could find her a proper living situation.
Fortunately we were able to do so, and after getting the Borough to agree to allow us to sell the property on the Boulevard and use the proceeds from the sale to buy the Brownes’ house, and of course, the Post agreeing to repay the Borough, we closed the deal.
During this time we continued to observe the Memorial Day and Armistice Day celebrations, visited the Veterans Home, participated in and donated to various local causes, and maintained all the activities we were used to doing. Our Post ceremonies were held as usual at the Pioneer Club and The Old Homestead. Some things must remain constant.
By late 1954, with Neil Parrot as Commander, we were finally in our new home, faced with the problems all buyers of an older building face, it having been built circa 1895.
Paul Brunckhorst became Commander in 1955 and in the following months we built a new low wall parallel to the south side of the building to level the grounds and landscaped the property.
Roy Roylance was Commander in 1956. Much was done at this point to help fellow Veterans get their proper benefits.
Also about this time we started to celebrate Memorial Day and Armistice Day in conjunction with VFW Post 4591 which had been founded in 1955. The usual Post ceremonies and parties continued.
Our second two-term Commander (1957/1958), Michael Sarapa, took office. Raffles and yard sales were used to raise money to support the Post. Electrical and plumbing improvements were made to the building.
We sponsored a team in the American Legion Baseball League as well as all of the other activities.
In 1959 Gordon Hiltbold became the Commander and we had a real live wire in charge. Fund raising efforts increased, Americanism programs were carried out in the schools, the social life of the Post prospered, visits to the Veterans Home increased, and we had a good year.
The next year Gordon became the Historian for the Bergen County American Legion.
We will cover the 1960’s and 1970’s in the next installment. ###
Post 106 Installation of Officers October 3, 1953. Neil Parrott receiving gavel from County Adjutant Dorothy Farguharson. Photo by Ray Roylance
(l-r) County Historian Leo Larkin, County Vice Commander William Steeper, Commander Ray Roylance, Past Commander Paul Brunckhorst. Photo by George F. Knoll
Part Eight
(As appeared in The Gazette, January 2006)
Part Eight -- The 1960's
Elsworth Conover became the Commander in 1960. As had become the custom, a Thanksgiving dinner was held, as was the fund raising yearly raffle.
The annual Christmas party pleased everyone and both affairs were held at, as it was termed, the Post "Hut." The salvage drive, run in conjunction with the Catholic War Veterans, gave us a goodly sum that was used for the benefit of the people in the Veterans’ Home. (We collected old newspapers, etc., on a certain day of the month.)
The Memorial Day Parade, in cooperation with the VFW, was held and Mr. Gus Lauer of Rutherford, who had a flag and decorations business, decorated the Post for $20 for Memorial Day. I keep mentioning prices because they amaze me.
Thomas Culligan was elected for 1961 and 1962 becoming the fifth member to serve two consecutive terms as Commander.
At this time Gordon Hiltbold was our Chaplain and he also had the honor of being a Vice Commander in the Bergen County American Legion.
A fund raising raffle of ten various prizes (Record Player, Bicycle, Radio, etc.) was run in the spring. A St. Patrick’s Day dinner took place in the "Hut."
We sponsored a baseball team in the American Legion League and The Memorial Day Parade was in May.
Plans to improve the building were being considered and at the end of 1962 a loan was arranged with Polifly Savings.
The cement basement floor was replaced and asphalt tiles installed. Some plumbing and electrical work was done.
During these times we also helped many of the Veterans with their claims for compensation against the Veterans Administration. The annual Thanksgiving Dinner and Officers’ Installation were held at the Post in November.
In 1963, Clarence Hoener, an original Post member, was again elected Commander. Work continued on the building with the roof being replaced and the improvements to the interior continuing. Again, a raffle was held in the spring to raise money, the St. Patrick’s Day dinner was a success and plans were made for the Memorial Day Parade.
Our baseball team had a good season and a picnic was held in late August. A Turkey Raffle took place in conjunction with our Thanksgiving Dinner. We finished the year with a Christmas Party.
Cliff Miller became Commander in 1964. The annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration and spring raffle occurred. In conjunction with the Ladies Auxiliary we sponsored, as we had been doing in the past, a Bingo Party at the Veterans Home.
The Memorial Day Parade and Armistice Day ceremonies again were held these years in cooperation with the VFW. In November a Thanksgiving Dinner and Turkey Raffle was used to raise funds.
Our rifle and pistol team had another successful year. Incidentally, in 1965 fuel oil cost 15 cents a gallon.
Albert Borchert was chosen as Commander in 1965, 1966 and 1967. Under his leadership the improvements to the basement were finished. A room was built in the basement to make a recreation area.
A bar, actually one of the teller’s counters from the Polifly Savings Bank that was then undergoing renovations, was installed in the newly constructed recreation room. All the social affairs were then held in that room.
Again, with the cooperation of The Auxiliary, Bingo Parties were sponsored at the Vets’ Home and the St. Patrick’s Day and Thanksgiving parties were held. Memorial Day Parades and Armistice Day ceremonies were held in conjunction with VFW Post 4591. The sponsorship of the baseball team continued, as well as, the rifle and pistol teams.
In 1968 Robert Flannery was selected as Commander and he continued in that Post in 1969 and 1970. The Post continued to serve the community as it had since its inception in 1919. ###
Memorial Day Honor Guard with members at the Post. Circa 1970's
The combined VFW Post 4591 (left) and the American Legion (right) Firing Squad during Memorial Day services.
Part Nine The 1950's -- 1960's
(As appeared in The Gazette, February 2006)
Part Nine -- The 1950's -- 1960's
Additions to the previous 1950’s and 1960’s stories:
Since the last installment was written, more papers and pictures have appeared that further explain the activities of Post 106 at that time.
For example, there are two pictures of the Memorial Day celebration in 1955. In the one we see Post 106 being led by its Color Guard and Firing Squad down Terrace Avenue.
The shorter man leading the main body was the Commander, Ray Roylance.
In the other is shown the large crowd, normal in those days, at the ceremony at the Veterans Memorial. Note all the trees: it seems very rural.
A copy of the December 1957 "Veterans Voice," the Post newsletter, gave the menu for the Post’s Christmas Dinner as follows:
Cockails, Celery, Olives, Fruit Dish, Parker House Rolls. Main Course: Baked Virginia Ham, Peas & Carrots, Flavored French Green Beans, Tea or Coffee, Choice of Homemade Pies - Pumpkin, Mince, Apple; Soft drinks - Beer - Your choice.
All of this for $1.50!
Incidentally, a few years later, in the mid 1960’s the price had increased to $2.75.
At various times, but especially during the 1950’s, ‘60’s, and ‘70’s we sponsored some trophy winning teams in the American Legion Baseball League.
The third photo in this article is one of those teams. I believe it may have been taken in the late ‘50’s or early ‘60’s. The man presenting the trophy to, I assume, the team captain, is Coach Gordon Hiltbold. Does anyone reading this recognize any of the young men in this picture?
In April of 1958 we congratulated Miss Mildred Dragon, our representative in the American Legion Oratorical Contest who finished 1st in Bergen County, took top honors in regional finals, and finished 2nd in the State contest.
In 1959 our award for best patriotic essay went to Miss Susan Kress, whose mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kress, still lives in town.
Each year we sent at least two young men to Boys State and recognized those Boy Scouts who attained the rank of Eagle Scout.
In 1965, three members of Troop 68 (sponsored by the First Reformed Church) were so recognized. They were Keith Hettel, Gregg B. Van Dam, and Stephen L. Wilcox. Many of you will recognize the family names.
Correspondence shows that a strong, friendly cooperative relationship was maintained with the VFW and other veterans organizations.
Hopefully the archives (that collection of unsorted paper in the files) will reveal more of the ‘70’s and ‘80’s. ###
Memorial Day Parade and Service May 30, 1955
Does anyone recognize these gentlemen? Call 201-288-4028
Part Ten -- Legionaire Receives 60th Year Award
(As appeared in The Gazette, March 2006)
Part Ten -- Legionaire Receives 60th Year Award
American Legion National Headquarters has honored Past Commander Robert G. (Bob) Flannery with a certificate marking his sixty years as an active member of the James B. Scarr Post 106 of Hasbrouck Heights.
Bob entered the Army from Hasbrouck Heights in 1942 and became an infantryman serving in the Italian campaign where he was wounded.
Bob joined the American Legion in 1946 shortly after he was discharged from the Army where he had served with distinction.
He quickly became a very active member and in 1947 became Sergeant at Arms.
From that point he went on to hold, over the years, every position in the Post.
His only thought was the betterment of the Legion and he worked diligently to achieve that end.
By 1955 he had become the owner of a hardware store on Hackensack Street in Carlstadt and married his wife, Sophie. Bob sold the store after fifty years but kept Sophie. A very wise man indeed!
Over the past sixty years he was Commander five times for a total of fourteen years.
Bob always strove for excellence in the operation of the post and the advancement of the American Legion.
This certificate is a well deserved award for a lifetime of effort on behalf of the American Legion and Post 106.###
A copy of the presentation certificate that was made to Past Commander Robert (Bob) Flannery on February 10, 2006, just one week before his death.
The correspondent for this series is
American Legion Commander Michael Cahill.
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