A meeting was held at the Library Hall on the evening of September 3, 1919 for the purpose of organizing a Post of the American Legion.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. D. A. Watt, who after a brief address, introduced Mr. Mulliken, the Field Secretary for Bergen County.
Mr. Mulliken explained the purpose and organization of the Legion.
At the completion of his address a request for a charter was signed by all present.
Mr. Mulliken suggested that temporary officers be chosen, and in line with this suggestion, the following were unanimously elected: Commander - F. J. Scarr, Vice Commander - M. M. Sheedy, Finance Officer - E. C. Ellis and Adjutant - A. E. Browne.
The election of Historian and Chaplain was deferred until a future meeting.
The question of a suitable name for the Post was discussed at length, and it was finally decided that it would be named after someone who had entered the service for Hasbrouck Heights and who had died in the service.
A ballot was taken to decide after which man the Post should be named and the balloting resulted as follows: J. B. Scarr - 17, R. H. Elias - 6, A. Botsford - 5, and W. V. Capen - 3. The name of the Post was therefor declared to be the James B. Scarr Post.
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