John E. York was installed as commander of the James E. Coffey Post 3, American Legion, Nashua for the 2017-2018 year at ceremonies held Thursday evening, 4 May, in the education room at the Nashua Senior Activities Center. York, a U.S. Army veteran of the Persian Gulf conflict, is a 22 year member of the Legion. York was elected at the regular monthly meeting held at the Senior Center on Tuesday evening 2 May. York has been serving as commander of the post since November of 2015.

The installing team was from District 2 headed by Paul Comeau, commander and Barney Barbera, acting District 2 Sgt-At-Arms.

Other elected officers installed on Thursday are: Robert Courtemanche, Sr. Vice Commander; Donald Vincent, Jr. Vice Commander; Barney Barbera, PC,LM, Trust Officer and Finance Officer (2nd yr of two year term).

Elected to the Executive Committee were: Ronald Poirier, PC, and Donald Dillaby. Dillaby was also elected as a Trustee.

Commander York will appoint the remainder of his team at a later date. Those currently serving in appointed positions include: Adjutant, Wayne Beauregard, PC; Chaplain, Ron Poirier, PC; Service Officer, Robert Courtemanche, and Historian, Donald Vincent. Peter Hart will be appointed the new Sgt.-at-Arms.

After he was sworn in York addressed his team and thanked them for their support during the previous year. He stressed that the post has much work to do as it continues to improve the post building on Court Street in efforts to reoccupy the building and resume meetings at its traditional home. He expressed confidence that his team would continue to support his efforts in the coming year.

Following the closing of the formal meeting, the members enjoyed coffee, cake and camaraderie.

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