From page 6 of the Nashua Telegraph, March 4, 1959.

Twenty-eight 40 year members of the James E. Coffey post, American Legion, were awarded pins and cards in recognition of their length service last evening. Making the individual presentations were Post Commander Emil Bozek and National Committeeman Floyd Daley of Portsmouth.

There are 43 members with 40-year service, 28 of whom were present as the Coffey post initiated its 40th birthday celebration. Other events planned include an "Irish" night dinner-dance March 14 and the annual birthday party and dinner March 21.

Another highlight of the monthly session attended by some 100 Legionnaires was the presentation of an attractive citation, framed, to Mayor Mario J. Vagge. He was among several speakers who congratulated the post and its 40-year members. The citation to the Mayor reads:
"In recognition of his loyal co-operation and meritorious community service and notably in youth activities."

During the presentation, Commander Bozek remarked that while it was the Mayor's birthday, (57), the award was not a birthday gift but a post commendation.

The 40 year members present (pictured) included:

Seated (left to right), are Benjamin D. Levine, William T. Mulligan, Edward B. Patrick, Philippe J. Doucet, Harold A. Damon, Attorney Richard F. Welch, Hector C. Cardin, and Dwight G. Smith.

Second Row -- J. Arthur O'Niel, Edward M. Parker, Carroll B. White, Charles F. Farley, Leo O. Sirois, John M. Cody, Attorney George M. French, Clarence E. Whitney and I. Blaine Stevens.

Third Row -- David P. Stevens, John G. Skafidas, Leo A. Desclos, Honore E. Bouthiller, Albert E. Tyler, Earle L. Williams, Ralph M. Parker and Minton A. Winslow.

Back Row -- Dr. Deering G. Smith, George W. Underhill, and Dr. Arthur L. Wallace.

Several letters were read from people unable to attend, They were written by Governor Wesley Powell and 40 year members, George F. Thurber, George Melcher and Oscar W. Mountfort.
Awarded a 35-year pin was Dr. Thomas J. Prutsalis.

Climaxing the session were a buffet luncheon prepared by Mrs. Ella Fitzgerald, president and Mrs. Laura Auclair, of the auxiliary and the showing of motion pictures on major league baseball.

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