From the pages of the Nashua Telegraph, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1927.
" Officers of the American Legion Post and Auxiliary were installed at G.A.R. hall last evening at a joint meeting which was very largely attended. The meeting was one of the most enthusiastic of the year and following the installation of officers there was an entertainment and lunch.
The officers of the American Legion Post were installed by District Vice Commander Richard Welch of this city, while the officers of the Auxiliary Unit were installed by Mrs. Mildred E. Sawyer of Hancock, district vice chairman of the second district.
The officers of the Post include the following:
Commander: Albert Phippard*.
Vice Commander: Irving E. Brown.
Adjutant: Leo A. Desclos.
Finance Officer: George Haggerty.
Chaplain: Rev. Earl F. Nauss.
Historian: George M. French.
Trustee: Earl W. Pratt.
Sergeant At Arms: Minton A. Winslow.
The officers of the Auxiliary Unit include the following:
President: Mrs. Rose E. Bresnahan.
First Vice: Mrs. Anna Maaz.
Second Vice: Miss Olive Coffey.
Secretary: Mrs. Anna Hamlin.
Treasurer: Mrs. Bertha Nash.
Chaplain: Mrs. Ellen Nute.
Sergeant At Arms: Mrs. Margaret Tyler.
Following the installation there were remarks by the two installing officers and also by ...."
*Shortly after this newspaper article, newly elected Commander Albert Phippard was transferred to Ohio and had to resign his post. Richard Welch (pictured), who was serving as District Vice Commander at the time, was elected Commander to succeed Mr. Phippard.