From the pages of the Nashua Telegraph, Jan 7, 1925.
"At a largely attended and enthusiastic meeting of the James E. Coffey Post, No.3, American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary, held in Legion hall last evening, the officers of the Post and Unit were installed.
The officers of the auxiliary were obligated by Department Vice President Mrs. Irene Walbridge of Peterborough, and the officers of the post were installed by District Vice Commander Wendell Crowell of Hancock...”
The officers of the post installed included:
Commander: Robert E. Early (pictured).
Vice Commander: John W. Cody.
Finance Officer: George Haggerty.
Chaplain: Elmer Walters.
Historian: Dr. Deering G. Smith.
Sergeant At Arms: George Soulakiolis.
Trustee: Leo A. Duclos.
War Risk Officer: D.P. Stevens.
Membership 1924-1925: 105