Eugene R. Ackley (pictured) is elected Post 3 Commander. The post membership for 1924 is 134.
From the pages of the Nashua Telegraph, Wednesday, Jan 23, 1924.
Department Commander Sullivan Officiates at Induction Ceremony at His Home American Legion Organization.
Officers of the James E. Coffey Post, American Legion, and of the Ladies Auxiliary were installed last evening with impressive services at the Legion rooms, with State Commander William E. Sullivan in charge of the post installation and Mrs. Flora Spalding, state president of the auxiliary, installing the auxiliary officers. There was a large attendance of members of both bodies and following the business session and installation, a buffet lunch was served and an informal social hour enjoyed. Commander Sullivan addressed the members as did Mrs. Spalding and Past commander George M. French.
Officers Installed were:
Commander: Eugene R. Ackley
Vice Commander: Minton A. Winslow
Treasurer: George F. Haggerty
Service Officer: D.P. Stevens
Chaplain: Rev. J.N. Armistead
Historian: Dr. D.G. Smith
Sergeant At Arms: Christian Alfsen
Trustee: George M. French