Commander: Leo A. Desclos (pictured)
Vice Commander: Eugene Ackley
Adjutant: Earl W. Pratt
Finance Officer: George Haggerty
Treasurer: Dr. A. E. Brownrigg
Historian: David P. Stevens
Sgt. at Arms: Arthur O'Neil
Commander Leo A. Desclos served two terms a commander, serving from Nov 1921 to Nov 1923. The Coffey Post secured quarters in the old Sargent building at this time, and after extensive repairs by members, had a permanent meeting place. Many social times were held in the Sargent building rooms. Legion members took an active part in both Memorial Day and Armistice Day exercises.
The Coffey Post's permanent charter document was signed on 2 Feb 1922 and the Post Auxiliary Charter document was signed on 22 Jun 1922.