James E. Coffey Post 3 played a significant role in the celebration of Armistice Day, Nov. 11, 1919 in Nashua. The post helped organize the Armistice Day Parade. The newspaper photo shown here depicts the Victory Arch which spanned Main St. in front of the old City Hall, right, is remembered by older Nashua residents as the focal point through which the Armistice Day parade passed. On the façade of the arch, left "July 4, 1776". Center "Victory" and at right, "Nov. 11, 1918." Pedestals bear the names of famous World War I battles including, left, Tourigny and Chateau Thierry and right, St. Mihiel, Argonne. The photograph is from a photograph album owned by Ralph Hill, 22 Orlando St.
Armistice night, Nov. 11, American Legion, James E. Coffey Post 3, hosted a gala Victory Ball at the new high school auditorium with music featuring the Nashua Military Band. Concert program selections included:
March "America Victorious," E.E. Bagley; Overture "Nabucodonosor," Verdi; Selection "Some Time," Friml; Concert Waltz "Ma Belle Adoree," Roy; A medley of Songs of the War. The order of dance was: Grand March, waltz, foxtrot, foxtrot, one step, waltz, foxtrot, medley (waltz, foxtrot, one step), fox trot, one step, Portland Fancy, waltz, fox trot, one step, waltz, fox trot, fox trot.