John W. Farley, Sailor First Class, U. S. Navy was born on February 25, 1899 in Fairfield, Nebraska. He died of pneumonia on board the battleship, Seattle, on March 8, 1918 and was buried at sea. "Johnnie" came to Holt County with his parents on March 1, 1906 where he grew to manhood. He held responsible positions in Atkinson, and while employed at the Post Office he answered the "Call to the Colors" by enlisting in the Navy on April 26, 1917. He made rapid advancement, promoted to Second Class Sailor at Philadelphia and a short time later, First Class Sailor. He had made two trips across the Atlantic ocean then wrote a letter home, dated February 25, 1918, saying, "A few lines to mother to say we are leaving again on one of those long, tiresome journeys. It will be several weeks before you hear from me, but don't worry, Mother, I am all right." He was survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary Farley, and five sisters, Mrs. Nellie Mathis, Velma, Edna, Ellen and Effie Farley.



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