The Crete News Crete, Nebraska
Thirty-two counties were represented at the formation of the Nebraska chapter of the American Legion, a national organization of world war soldiers at the state capitol building at Lincoln.
The Crete Vidette Crete, Nebraska
Fifteen of our returned soldier boys have signed up the papers to organize a local order of the American Legion in Crete. This organization is composed of none but returning soldiers or those who were enlisted in the service, and their motto is “one hundred per cent American.’’ This may be pretty strong for some people but in most places they are reported to be making good.
The Crete Vidette Crete, Nebraska
The American Legion charter is here to organize a Crete Post. We are going to have a big time Thursday evening,
Feb. 19 - a banquet at 6:30 and a big dance afterward. Frank O’Connell, state adjutant of the American Legion, will be with us. Watch for cards and special announcements and bring your wife, sister, mother, or sweetheart. Remember the time, remember the place, and come. Every ex-service man..
The Crete News
Crete, Nebraska
Crete Post No. 147 of the American Legion, at their first meeting, elected the following officers: Post Commander, C. J. Fuhrer First Vice Commander, Fred Beamis Second Vice Commander, Roy Blust Post Adjutant, Edw. Forst Post Finance Officer, L. B. Hamilton Executive Board, Dr. F. J. Stejskal, Neil Baker, Anton Plouzek, and Jos. Tummond The post met Monday night and adopted the state constitution of the American Legion and formed their by-laws...
Tenth Annual Jubilee At Tuxedo Park On Saturday And Sunday
Everything is in readiness for the Crete American Legion’s tenth annual jubilee crowd expected to run near 15 thousand based on past attendance. The two-day celebration will be staged at Tuxedo Park Saturday and Sunday, July 19 and 29. Louis Kerst, chairman of Post 147’s jubilee committee, has announced that outstanding free acts wil be added to the bill of fare this year to insure plenty..
Business Men and Legionnaires Hold Annual Banquet
CRETE, Neb.—One raccoon which met an untimely death 14 years ago unwittingly was responsible for starting an annual banquet which has been observed by Crete Post No. 147 of the American Legion ever since and which has developed into an outstanding occasion for the business men and until now over 300 men attend the famous “Coon Feed” staged by the post. The original “Coon Feed” centered around that one..
Crete Legion Post 147 submitted this memorial to the American Legion Memorial Database Identification Project. The Saline County Veterans Memorial project was constructed in 3 phases. It is different from other memorials in the area as no “bricks” were sold for veterans’ names to be on. A computer database compiled with the name, other selected information, and a picture (if desired) of each veteran. This computer information is available to all those visiting the memorial..