Nov. 23 – This meeting held at I.O.O.F. Hall, 8:30 pm.
George Rasmussen acting as Commander
Earl Hall acting as Adjutant
Dues were fixed at $3.50 per year and paid by all present.
Officers were selected by acclamation and approved unanimously.
The officers selected are as follows:
Dudley F. Bowden – Commander
Gilbert E. Chaffin – Vice Commander
Earl L. Hall – Adjutant
Willard Hall – Finance Officer
Sidney A. Johnson – Sergeant at Arms
George O. Rasmussen – Chaplain
Motion was made by Sidney A. Johnson to name the post Corvallis Post. Motion approved by all.
Sidney A. Johnson made motion to select Dudley F. Bowden as Commander. Motion unanimous
George B. Korman made motion to select Gilbert E. Chaffin as Vice-Commander. Motion unanimous
Motion was made by Gilbert E. Chaffin to select Earl L. Hall as Adjutant. Motion unanimous
Gilbert E. Chaffin made motion to select George O. Rasmussen as Chaplain. Motion unanimous
Earl L. Hall made motion to select Sidney A. Johnson as Sergeant at Arms. Motion unanimous
Motion was made by George O. Rasmussen to select Willard Hall as Finance Officer. Motion unanimous
Motion was made by Sidney A. Johnson for the Adjutant to send notices when charter arrives.
Meeting closed by George O. Rasmussen.