Ravalli Republic Thursday, May 26, 1932:
"An observance of Memorial day that will eclipse any in recent years in Hamilton will take place Monday morning at the Memorial park in Riverview cemetery under the auspicess of the American Legion and the Spanish-American War Veterans. The chief feature will be the unveiling of the great monument which is being established this week in membory of the veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic...
The monument is a huge boulder of natural granite, nearly seven feet in height. It was brought to the park by legion men from the banks of Canyon creek and set in a base of concrete. From the G.A.R. emblem a mold was copied, and the base 16 feet long is shaped accordingly-the eagle at the head, the star at the foot. Che central part of the emblem which shows the flag, holds the gient boulder...
The task of getting the stone down the mountain and setting it on the foundation has been accomplished with tremendoous effort by the legion men and the work of providing suficient funds to completer the job started years ago by the G.A.R. men has been a project in itself. The Civil war veterans, whose ranks are fast diminishing, recently turned over their carefully saved fund of about $80 to the legion men, asking them to carry on the plans for a memorial."