In doing the research for the American Legion Post 69 as the Historian, I ran into a LONG forgotten and buried precious book of the FIRST unofficial (pre-chartered) and subsequent official meetings for the first few years (up to 1927) of the American Legion Post 69 Ladies Auxiliary. Finding this book and reading I could NOT let their loyalty and services go unrecognized as a part of what makes Post 69 great.
Theirmeetingss took place at several locations like the Chamber of Commerce, various houses of the members, and even the local Armory. They took over and helped with the "POPPY" sales as early as 1923 giving great help to the Post in its early years of growth.Fundraiserss like bake sales and a rummage sale were first and including a "Tea Party" to reach the upper echelons of society in the area. They also started a flowers and cards committee for the local WWI killed in action boys that were being returned from France (This after a long fight with the US Government and Gen. Pershing disagreeing. was changed in Oct 1919). Making sure soldiers from our area were rein-termed in the local cemeteries if the family wanted them to lay in rest at home.
Since these early first years with a start of under a dozen ladies, they have stood proud with us as a 100 year post as they have to their loved ones that served in WWI and the following Wars. Thank you for a century of service to us and our community. As we still say quite often... "we could not have done it without you ladies".
This book has now been preserved and returned to the AMLA Post 69 for Safe keeping their rich history and accomplishments.
Ron Leverenz, Post 69 Historian