The North Mercer School held its annual Veterans Day program on 9 November, 2023. It was held on this date due to Veterans Day falling on a Saturday and the school having a teacher workday on Friday, 10 November.
There was patriotic music, various projects made by students, patriotic music, and all veterans in attendance were recognized for their service to our country. A lunch was served afterward.
25 veterans attended.
The school participated in the VFW's Patriot Pen contest. Two students won prizes. Kylie Holt, shown in the photo with certificate on left, won first place at the local level and competed at the district level and Nakiyah Scott won third place.
The American Legion Auxiliary of Mercer held a flag retirement ceremony later in the day. North Mercer students attended so they could learn about how to properly dispose of worn, torn, or damaged American flags.
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