The members of Legion Post 312, having met in Memorial Hall for about 15 years, on May 4, 1944, decided that the returning Vets should have a place to return home to, so they embarked on an ambitious campaign to raise $20,000.00 for a permanent Legion Home, and for a place to meet in "When the boys came home". When the old Denker property, mentioned in the above paragraph was put up for sale, the Post 312 members took a two month option to purchase it. By April, 1944, pledges amounted to a little over $1,900.00, with over $1,500.00 of that in cash, and in the bank. Quoting from Post 312's Newsletter from May, 1944:
"The great reason for being of the American Legion is stated in one quotation from the preamble to the Constitution of The American Legion as revised to include veterans of the two Great Wars: "To preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars." The new Legion Home which has been purchased will help to make this COMRADESHIP possible. ....... The great purpose of the new Legion Home is that we may have a real place in which to welcome the returning service men and women. It will mean more than we know to them, if we can have the Home prepared for their return with the latchstring out, and a hearty welcome on the hearth,"