Winona's American Legion Post 52 was honored to host our National Commander Daniel M. Dellinger and his Aide Robert Remmer Monday February 17. Accompanying was State Commander Angie Baughman, State Adjutant Johnny Bracy, NEC Robert Gosa, Alt. NEC Steve Sweet, State Chaplain Bobby Cook, State Judge Advocate Jimmy Powell, State Sgt. at Arms Pat Baughman. There were approximately eighty in attendance. In addition to our local members we had seven posts from the Central and Nothern Areas. We were glad to also have State Representative Bobby Howell, Winona Chancery Clerk Tee Golding, County Supervisors Ron Wood, Keith McGee, and Kenneth Ware. After lunch, served by our Chef Bobby Jones, and dessert prepared by our Auxiliary ladies, Commander Dellinger spoke of his project and how we as American Legion serve in our local communities. Most of the time we are like the Masons, one of the best kept secrets. We need to let the public know what we do. Veteran services, veteran nursing homes, help for children and youth, legion baseball, oratorical contest on our United States Constitution, Boys State, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, Legion Riders and Auxiliary Girls State. We at Winona Post 52 appreciated and enjoyed his visit.
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