Meeting a long felt need for a golf-course and well equipped athletic field to promote community welfare the William T. McCoy Post (No,92) of the American Legion in the summer of 1926 purchased from Dr. Christopher Graham this tract of land. The contract for purchase was presented to the City of Rochester on April 11,1927 by the American Legion Post under the commandership of Gregory Phillip Gentling. Further development was made possible by Dr. E. S. Judd, who gave the city the present field house which provided facilities for the high schools and today is part of the bathhouse for the swimming pool. On August 12, 1951, the recreational area was formally dedicated to the youth of Olmsted County and the memorial monument, erected as a crowning achievement near the the entrance of the park, to the memory of soldiers of all wars. PRESENTED BY THE WILLIAM T. McCoy POST FOF THE AMERICAN LEGION IN MEMORY OF GREGORY PHILLIP GENTLING, AUGUST 5, 1964



Memorial Monument erected August 12, 1951


Memorial Monument erected August 12, 1951


Bronze Plaque West on Memorial Monument 08-12-1951


Legion Preamble on East Side Memorial Monument 08-12-1951


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