Post 64 Slayton, Minnesota

Post 64

Slayton, Minnesota

Post 64 Slayton, Minnesota

About This Post

Post Namesake
Erwin March This is taken from the Murray County Herald dated February 7 1918 Corp. Erwin March Killed in Action Jam. 30th. Slayton has been called upon too give of its noble and respected sons that democracy might live. Sadness and gloom descended upon the city in a twinkling of an eye, when all seemed peaceful and serence; when hopes were high that our boys in France would soon return to us safe in body and clean of soul. The tiny sheet of paper bearing the woeful news of the death of Corporal Erwin March, while in action in France on January 30th, caused all to bow heads in sorrow and in memory of the lad whose name will go down in history as the first Minnesotan, under General Pershing, to die as the result of a German bullet. Others have made the supreme sacrifice, but it can be said of no other, to our knowledge, that death resulted while performing the duty of a Corporal and solider in No Man's Land.





Jul 28, 1919

To Harrison Fuller 

State Chairman of the American Legion State of Minnesota

We the undersigned here by certify that we have served in the military or naval forces of the United States between April 6 1917 and November 11 1918 are are entitled to membership in THE AMERICAN LEGION under Article II of the Constition as above quoted. We hereby request the issuance of a charter for the formation of a Post at Slayton Minnesota to be..

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