Monthly Post 501 Meeting, Poplar Conference Room, Woodbury City Hall


Meeting Minutes March 28, 2019 – 3/28/19


Present (9) Russ Bentley, Bob Dolan, Tom Grezek, Bob Halter, Dale Johnson, Henry Kolashinski, Paul Lindahl, Dave Lombardi, David Mielke




Opening Ceremonies


Salute Flag, Prayer, Placement of POW-MIA Flag, Pledge of Allegiance, Recite Preamble.




Previous Meeting’s Minutes


February 28, 2019 Meeting Minutes were read by individuals at the meeting. A correction was made regarding the Post’s online activity being submitted to the NALPA. A motion was made by Paul to accept the minutes, Dale seconded the motion, the motion passed.




Treasurer’s Report


Financial report was read by the Commander.  A motion was made by Bob D. to accept and enter them into record, Henry seconded the motion and the motion was passed.






134 members for 2019, the goal is 136. There are 5 WWII members left in the Post.






The submission of the Post’s Facebook page and involvement with 3 other activities will be reviewed by the NALPA after the May 1st deadline to submit. The Post would hear sometime this summer if an award is won.




Service Officer


A funding bill is on the move to grant $100k to help with the cost of moving the AFSC in the airport. Letters can be sent to representatives to request they vote to pass the bill. Veterans Day on the Hill was well attended, many veterans came from 50-100 miles away. Governor Walz spoke. Vietnam Veterans Day is 3/31. There is a ceremony at the Forest Lake Legion and a free spaghetti dinner at the White Bear Lake VFW. Woodbury Prayer Breakfast is 5/7 at 7 a.m. Memorial Day Ceremony planning is still going, Ron Kaine will be the speaker. The Bell family will be special guests. June 14 is the Twins American Legion Family Day. August 19 is the joint picnic with the VFW.




Donation Committee


There were 3 requests, none were considered.








Old Business


Most spots are covered for Poppy Days. Kowalski’s has donated $200. There will be an article in the Bulletin regarding Poppy Days. Bob D. has suggested requesting a proclamation from the Mayor for the weekend.




It was a challenge to get candidates for Boys State this year. Finally got 2, and then twins were recommended. Both boys were outstanding, the Cmdr. has put in a request with the Department to see if any other Post has paid but had no candidates to send. David made a motion to allow the Cmdr. to pay the fee for the 4th candidate if there is not an extra spot already paid for, Henry seconded, the motion passed.




It has been decided that occasionally going to different venues for the meeting will not happen.




New Business


Officer nomination are needed for the 2019 – 2020 year. David announced that he will not be seeking to stay as the Adjutant. Please consider who you would like to nominate for the Cmdr., Adjutant, and Treasure position.  Additionally, First Vice Cmdr. Dale Johnson will not be running for next year and Second Vice Cmdr. Bob Dolan will be assuming that position.




Woodbury Days Parade will be August 25. There was some talk about requesting the Spirit of MN Tribute Bell for the parade.




$2,000 was budgeted for the JRROTC scholarships. 3 students have applied. Dale has volunteered to review the applications.






CD was renewed at 2.4% at Wells Fargo.


Sales Tax form has been filed with the State.


Storage locker was renewed for 6 months.


May 18 is the District Convention, Bob D., Dale and Tom will be attending.




Closing Ceremonies


Prayer, remove POW-MIA Flag, adjournment at 8:22 p.m.


View more history for Post 501 in Woodbury, Minnesota