Monthly Post 501 Meeting, Poplar Conference Room, Woodbury City Hall
Meeting Minutes February 28, 2019 – 2/28/19
Present (8) Bob Dolan, Tom Grezek, Bob Halter, Dale Johnson, Henry Kolashinski, Paul Lindahl, David Mielke, Mike Ross
Opening Ceremonies
Salute Flag, Prayer, Placement of POW-MIA Flag, Pledge of Allegiance, Recite Preamble.
Previous Meeting’s Minutes
January 24, 2019 Meeting Minutes were read by individuals at the meeting. A motion was made by Henry to accept the minutes, Paul seconded the motion, the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
Financial report was read by the Commander. A motion was made by Dale to accept and enter them into record, Henry seconded the motion and the motion was passed.
128 members for 2019. The post is at 93% of goal.
An article was submitted to the Woodbury Bulletin and the Legionnaire regarding the joint awards ceremony. The Post is being submitted for an award with the ALPA.
Service Officer
Good feedback was received regarding the awards ceremony. The 100th birthday for the American Legion is March 15, 2019. March 29 is the National Vietnam War Veterans Day. The AFSC is moving inside the secured area of MSP airport. It will be a larger facility with more beds, bathrooms, and a kid’s area. The estimated cost will be $250,000. Memorial Day Ceremony planning is continuing. The National Commander will be in Minnesota for 3 days on his tour. He will be at the Anoka Legion on March 12. The District Convention will be in Forest Lake May 17 – 19. A Navy veteran from Pearl Harbor will be laid to rest on June 21, 2019, looking for the Honor Guard to participate in the ceremony.
Donation Committee
There was one request but did not pass the committee’s review.
Old Business
All spots have been secured for this years Poppy Days. The poppies have been ordered. Bob Dolan will be coordinating the event. Poppy Days will be April 26 – 28. Please consider signing up as this is the Post’s largest fundraiser for the year.
New Business
Each of the three high schools in Woodbury has the packet of information regarding Boy’s State. The cost of $930.00 has already been paid.
It was mentioned that with two Vice Commanders, the Vice Commander that handles membership should be the 1st Vice Commander.
There was some discussion about having a meeting in a more social location occasionally. There is concern that there would be a cost involved. There is also concern that members would not like a change in venue.
Thank you notes were received from the AFSC, the Christian Cupboard and the Wounded Warrior Project.
The Post’s CD matures on March 15, 2019.
Veterans Day on the Hill is March 20, 2019. If you are interested, be at the Armory in St. Paul at 1:00 p.m.
There is a fundraiser for the Campground at Big Marine on March 8, 2019.
Closing Ceremonies
Prayer, remove POW-MIA Flag, adjournment at 8:03 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
David Mielke Adjutant