Monthly Post 501 Meeting, Poplar Conference Room, Woodbury City Hall


Meeting Minutes January 24, 2019


Present (5) Tom Grezek, Bob Halter, Henry Kolashinski, Dave Lombardi, David Mielke




Opening Ceremonies


Salute Flag, Prayer, Placement of POW-MIA Flag, Pledge of Allegiance, Recite Preamble.




Previous Meeting’s Minutes


December 20, 2018 Meeting Minutes were read by individuals at the meeting. A motion was made by Henry to accept the minutes, Bob seconded the motion, the motion passed.




Treasurer’s Report


Financial report was read by the Commander.  A motion was made by Dave Mielke to accept and enter them into record, Henry seconded the motion and the motion was passed. An audit of the books was done by Dale. The Commander went over the proposed 2019 budget. Dave Mielke made a motion to accept the proposed budget, Bob seconded the motion, the motion passed.






Since the last meeting, there have been 8 new members and 1 transfer in to the Post. There are 130 members for 2019 putting the Post at 95.6% of its goal. The Post is the second highest in the district.






There was no report.




Service Officer


The Commander read the report on behalf of the Service Officer; the joint VFW and Legion awards banquet is 2/21/2019 at the Green Mill. The cost of the banquet will be split between the two organizations. Awards will be presented to the County Service Officers and local police officers, etc. The Memorial Day Ceremony is being planned already, it will be held at 11 a.m.




Donation Committee


There was one request but did not pass the committee’s review.




Old Business


2019 budget was approved.




The Lions have committed $3,000 to veterans causes in response to the help received from the VFW and Legion with the annual golf tournament.




New Business


A Poppy Day chair will be needed as Dale will not be able to run the program. After discussion, the dates for the fundraiser will be April 26 – 28. Tom will go to Walmart and Sam’s Club, David will go to Cub and Total Wine, and Bob will go to Jerry’s to secure approval from the managers to set up in front of the stores.




Henry mentioned a program that builds homes for Gold Star families. The topic was tabled to the next meeting.






Eagles Nest has been renamed Heaven for Hero’s.




There is a new campaign put out by National called Buddy Check, reminding members to check up on veterans who are incapacitated, letting them know there are people thinking about them.


Thank you notes were received from the Hastings Veterans Home, Minnesota Historical Society (Fort Snelling), and Veterans Camp at Big Marine.




Closing Ceremonies


Prayer, remove POW-MIA Flag, adjournment at 8:00 p.m.




Respectfully Submitted,


David Mielke Adjutant


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