Post 445 Karlstad, Minnesota

Post 445

Karlstad, Minnesota

Post 445 Karlstad, Minnesota

About This Post

Post Namesake

Named after Elwood Monroe Swenson




Post Namesake

Dec 29, 1941

The Karlstad American Legion Post No. 0445 was named for Elwood Monroe Swenson, the first local veteran who was killed during a heavy aerial bombardment at Fort Mills, Philippine Islands, on Dec. 29, 1941.

The first regular meeting was held on Oct.5, 1943. Charter members were: Fred Turnwall, Alvin Turnwall, Julius Carlson, Albert Nordin, Ralph VanDeusen, Alfred Peterson, Otto Pearson,Herman Lindberg, Art Warnes, S.W. Hodne, Walter Hams, Walter Johnson, James Duhek, Harry Brekke, and Axel Paulson.

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Construction of the Post Building

Apr 1, 1947

In 1947, a 60 x 100 foot building was constructed on the south edge of Karlstad by the Legion member who volunteered their time and labor. On April 1, 1948 the night before the American Legion Post 445 was to officially opened the building was destroyed be fire. The building was not reconstructed after the fire; the Post moved to the second floor of the City Hall until 1985, when it moved to its present..

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Post Involvement

May 1, 1948

The Post has been active with the Memorial Day Program, Veterans Day, Avenue of Flags, and the decoration of graves of our Veterans. The Post Gaming has donated numerous contributions to chairtable organizations such as Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, American Legion Baseball, Music Boosters, and twelve $200 Scholarships are given each year to local high school graduates.

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