["Building a Bridge." Anoka Union 22 Dec. 2000: Print.]
American Legion helps National Eagle Center living memorial.
The National Eagle Center and the Veterans Living Memorial Aviary are working together to become a reality in Wabasha on the banks of the Mississippi River.
The two projects are working hand-in-hand to provide educational opportunities for the youth of the nation. The aviary is a living tribute to all veterans, and the aviary’s goal is to have 50 American Bald Eagles, one representing every state in the United States.
The Veterans Living Memorial Aviary Foundation directors, Dewey and Sandy Lexvold, presented Anoka American Legion Post 102 with a commemorative Veterans Edition print and plaque, titled “Bridge to Freedom,” for the Legion’s sponsorship of the Veterans Living Memorial Aviary.
The goal, according to Sandy Lexvold, is to have all American Legion and VFW posts in the country on the Wall of Honor through sponsorships of the Veterans Memorial Aviary.
The Wall of Honor will be at the Veterans Living Memorial Aviary. All posts who sponsor the aviary will be listed by state and in order off their sponsorship.
The "Bridge to Freedom" displayed on a walnut plaque at the memorial, was written by three auxiliary women in the Wabasha area. They are Louise R. Kennedy, president, 1999-2000 VFW Auxiliary 4086, Wabasha; Donna Schade, past president 1997-1998 American Legion Auxiliary Unit 5099, Wabasha; and Margie E. Schreiber, president 1999-2001 American Legion Auxiliary 546, Kellogg.
The "Bridge to Freedom" also accompanies each commemorative Veterans Edition print.